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"You've got to be kidding me" Steve said whilst pointing towards Theo who was stood in the doorway.
"No sir theres no way i'm sitting in detention with him" Theo directed to Mr Clark
"Sorry boys you got no choice it's your guys fault that you're here not mine."
Mr Clark said whilst handing them both their tasks they needed to complete.
"Look,the quicker you finish the stuff i have given you the quicker you'll be out of
each other's sight,just try not to kill eachother in the process"
Neither of the two boys had any reaction to what Mr Clark had said mainly due to the fact they couldn't stop death staring eachother across the seats.
"Anyway i shall be in my office if you need me and rember no going anywhere until all tasks are finished understood ?"
"Yes sir" the boys replied in unison still whilst maintaining eye contact.

After Mr Clark had left the room both boys began their work.Well tried to anyway.
"What you here for then Miller?"
"Why do you care Harrington"
"Just curious it's not everyday you see the new kid in detention within his first two weeks of being here"
"Okay well you stay curious Stevie boy"

'Stevie Boy' Steve hated when Theo called him that because it felt as if he had more power over Steve which Steve didn't like not one bit.However Steve knew that if he shows Theo that he doesn't like being called Stevie boy  Theo would use it to his advantage.

The boys stayed silent for a good 45 minutes when Theo perked up to ask Steve a question a question in which he knew would torment Steve.
"So Harrington,when were you and Nancy planning on using my locker as your designated make out spot again.Just so i can you know work around your schedule to fit mine"
"Oh piss off Miller me and Nancy can make out when we like she's my girlfriend it's what we do"
Theo couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm sorry did you just say 'it's what we do' it's not like you are some type of wild species or something you're just hormonal teenagers who are horny 24/7"
Steve said nothing but instead turned back to face his work and carried on forgetting what Theo had just said.Theo did the same.

Detention had finished and the boys had completed their assignments and so Mr Clark dismissed them off home.Theo left before Steve in order to get away from him but Steve had other plans.

"So Miller detention was fun we should do it again sometime" to which Theo replied with a short but sweet "Fuck off Harrington"

God did Theo hate Steve.

sooo i kinda liked this chapter and i didn't want to drag the detention out but i felt like this chapter was a bit short.Anyway how are you guys liking the story so far ?!?!

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