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Time had passed since the boys encounter at recesses and the bell to end the last class of the morning had rung,which could only mean one thing.
It was the only chance Theo could talk to Steve and him actually pay attention and so Theo made his way over to the library in hope that when he got there Steve would be waiting round the corner.
He was.
The only thing was neither of the boys knew that the whole group would be stood watching them the whole time.

the two boys stood in an awkward silence before Theo snapped out of his haze in order to speak.
"Hey" Steve replied quietly
"So i- i erm i"
"Look miller why don't i Start"
"Yeah that's probably a better idea" Theo said as he sat down in the chair opposite Steve.
"Theo if im being honest there's so many things that i could say to you right now but the only thing i want to say is that i miss you."
Theos face lifted from the ground.
"I missed you like a lot , which is funny actually because i shouldn't miss you well because you're Theo but i have and i don't why but i just have."
"I missed you too Steve."
"Yeah?" Steve asked in the softest tone Theo had ever heard him speak before.
"Yeah I did,i missed you like crazy and like you said i don't know why i just did"
The two boys sat in utter silence again,but this time it was a comfortable silence,the silence that spoke a thousand words.
"Hey erm Steve"
"Yeah Theo"
"i like you"
Steve turned towards Theo meeting his eyes.
"I have to tell you,because if i don't i think it'll slowly kill me and i don't care if this ruins whatever we have i just needed you to know and even if you hate me after i don't -"

Theo was cut off by the sweet taste of Steve's lips on his.

Holy shit.

The boys melted into the kiss,which then turned into a smile.Both boys opened their eye and gazed into each-others eyes.
"Wow" said Theo letting out a slight laugh
"Yeah" Steve said still gripping onto Theo's waist.
A round of applause and cheers came from the side of the boys
"FINALLY" shouted Rachel who was shortly followed by Robin "THANK GOD".Scott had no idea what had gone in but he loved every minute of it and Eddie came out with the best comment of the year "FINALLY SOME MORE GAYS TO ADD TO THE GROUP"
The boys turned to face the group in utter shock and surprise as they didn't think let alone know that they had watched every minute of that last conversation.Steve sighed whilst pulling Theo in for another kiss.
"We should probably get to class now"
Steve sighed and smiled before saying the one sentence he wouldn't have dared to say 6 months ago.
"God Miller the things you do to me."

That sentence was the starting line of something new for the kings of hawkins high.

hiiii guys so that's it the first season of twisted love has come to an end !! i hope u guys enjoyed it as s2 is slowly in production and hopefully being published soon !! I just wanna thank you for all the love and support on this book i love u all so much !!

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