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Theo had decided to walk to school with Rachel and so went to pick her up on his way to school.
"Hey loser"
"Hey dickwad"
They had their own ways of greeting eachother but they didn't care.
"So todays the day you go to Steve's right ?"
"Yep still debating on wether i can be bothered to go or not"
"Look it can't be that bad just go and if you hate it that much ill come and pick you up okay ?"
"Okay but im not promising anything"
"Yeah trust me i know you're not"

Both of the teens arrived at school where the rest of the gang was already waiting for them.
Everyone was there but Nancy and Steve.Theo thought that maybe Steve had confronted Nancy about the cheating situation but that idea was thrown out the window when he saw them making out on Steve's car.
"Where's the two lovebirds ?" Scott asked
"Over there" Theo pointed in the direction of Steve's car and everyone's head turned around to see.
"Oh my god they're at it again" Eddie exclaimed.
"It's none stop making out with them"
Theo and Rachel looked to eachother as Theo ahd tokd Rachel about his conversation he had had with Steve a few days ago.
"Yeah i think i know why" Rachel said.
Eddie raised his eyebrows whilst spinning back to face Rachel and Theo. "Okay then Rach if you're that confident then you tell me why oh why they can't take their faces off each other"
Rachel looked towards Theo who was shaking his head.Even though Theo hated Steve his problems with nanncy wasn't Theo's story to tell.Rachel mouthed "don't worry i won't" to Theo before turning back to Eddie and saying
"Well Munson they're just hormonal teenagers who are in love"
"Ha ha very funny Danvers very funny."

Robin shouted at Steve and Nancy who had finally separated and all of them made their way to registration.

Before Theo could sit down Steve got ahold of his bag pulling Theo in towards him.
"So Miller I text you my address this morning so now that you do have my address make sure you're there for 6pm because that's when my parents go out and i am not in the mood for you to meet them"
"Okay Harrington don't shit yourself I'll be there"
"6pm Miller"

Lunch had come around and the group made themselves comfortable on their usual table.
Scott was the first to speak "Look Steve and Nancy we need to talk,you two lovebirds need to stop showing each other so much affection in a morning okay"
"Yeah i mean at this point it's getting annoying"
Theo followed on.
"Oh shut up Miller you're only complaining because you're jealous"
"Why are you having a go at me Harrington when Scott's the one who started the conversation"
"Because you're the one who always points it out just admit it's because you're jealous"
"I'm not jealous Steve if anything I'm far from it"
"Look it's okay miller we won't judge you"
"Steve i swear to g-"
"Oh will you two just zip it and talk about something else for once rather than having a go at a eachother" Robin said whisky slamming her hands on the table.
Steve and Theo both rolled their eyes and slouched down in their chairs but did what Robin asked and ignored eachother.

Lunch finished and the group made their way to the one lesson they all had together.


Before they had even got through the door Theo and Steve were already arguing and the rest of the group were trying to shut them up.
"Class i would just like to remind you all about the project that is due at the end of this semester"
Thankfully for Theo and Steve they had not forgot but that was down to the fact they were working with each other.
"Oi asshole i just wanna let you know this is the only time im inviting you round.Next time if there even is one we're doing it at yours"
"Okay Steve okay."
Neither of the boys were excited but nether were disappointed.

All they had to do was get along.

2k reads holy shit !! Thank you so much for all the love on this book i actually really enjoy writing it for you guys and i hope you are enjoying it !!

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