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It had been a month since the boys had been in detention together and since then they have been in 3 more which needless to say was complete torture for Theo.Nothing had changed during that month it was the same routine for Theo everyday:wake up,eat breakfast,say bye to mom,go to school,kick Steve and Nancy off his locker whilst they were making out,never hear the end of it all day by Steve,go home,sit with mom and then go to bed to do it all again the next day.However that day at school when Theo saw Steve at his locker by himself and Nancy sat with Jonathan Byers in the cafeteria he knew something was wrong.

Theo didn't know wether to go and speak Steve or not because honestly he had no idea how he would react and so Theo went to his locker avoiding Steve only for Steve to then come up to Theo.
"No Nancy today ? What a shame now i have no one to shove off my locker"
"Yeah very funny man but she erm.. i think she's cheating on me"
Theo's face dropped.Yes Theo hated Steve but he still felt bad for him and all.
"Shit man im sorry"
"Nah it's fine.Well obviously ist not but you know what i mean.It wasn't your fault and besides she never told me she loved me anyway even after i told her multiple times but i don't know"
Theo didn't know what to do in this situation,if there was one thing Theo wasn't good at was comforting people.So he just walked up to Steve and laid a hand on his back whilst saying "Hey man look your first love is something you never forget and when you see them with someone else it crushes you and trust me i know that but you just have to remember that-"
but before Theo could finish Steve cut him off.
"Wait wait you've been in love before Miller ?"


Theo wanted to tell Steve the truth he really did but he knew he couldn't he knew it would ruin him instead he lied straight to Steve's face.
"No no im just saying in a hypothetical situation i know what it must feel like to go through that"
Steve knew Theo was lying but didn't question it instead he replied with "Thanks for the advice man but im gonna wait until she confronts me about it and if she doesn't then I'll confront her" and gave his thanks to Theo before walking off.

Later that day Theo walked into biology only to find out Steve wasn't there.Theo was worried for him but he didn't want to interfere and so sat down and waited for class to begin.

Around 30 minutes into class Steve walked in. A sigh of relief came from Theo knowing Steve was safe."Wait why do you care where Steve is we hate eachother remember" Theo said to himself whilst staring at Steve before snapping out his trance.Steve sat down behind Theo and told the teacher to continue but not before Theo butted in to ask "Where the hell were you man"
Steve looked around noticing the class was staring at them both.
"Not that it's any of your business Miller but i was actually making out with your mom"
The whole class burst into a fit of laughter.

Theo smiled sarcastically at Steve and then turned around whilst thinking to himself There he was,there's the annoying Steve Harrington Theos always known.Although deep down Theo missed the Steve Harrington he'd had that deep talk with 3 hours ago.

hiiii guys sorry it toook me so long to publish this chapter but I've been on holiday and there wasn't any Wi-Fi for ages so ihaven't had the chance to write but i finally have Wi-Fi again so the next chapters will be up earlier.How are we feeling about the chat that Steve and Theo had ??!!

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