17. You wont have a hand

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'The city of the horse lords.' Jorah told them.

'It's a pile of mud.' vis corrected, 'mud and shit and twigs best these savages can do.' he sneered.

'These are my people now.' Danny told him 'you shouldn't call them savages.'

'I'll call them what I like because they are my people this is my army.' vis said so very pompously. 'Can't have them marching the wrong way with my army.' He said riding away from them. Neely's face was pinched as it normally was when she spoke with her brother, hell was in the same vicinity as her brother.

'If our brother was given an army of the Dothraki would you be able to conquer the seven kingdoms?' Danny questioned Jorah

'The Dothraki have never crossed the narrow sea,' Jorah reminded her, 'they fear any water their horses can't drink.'

'But if they did?' Danny countered

'King Robert is fool enough to meet them in battle but the man advising him is different.' Jorah told them, knowing very well what was going on in the capitol.

'And you know these men?' Neely questioned.

'I fought besides them,' He admitted. "A long ago.. now Ned Stark wants my head he drove me from my land.'

'You sold slaves.' Danny reminded him


'Why?' Danny questioned

'I had no money.' he told her 'and an expensive wife.' He added.

'Where is she now?' Danny questioned and Neely was glad because she wanted to know too.

'In another place with another man.'

'Her loss,' Neely said and Jorah smiled over at her. They had sent up camp again for the night and things were going too smoothly, Neely knew something had to go wrong.


'You sent a whore to give me commands!' Vis shouted 'I should've brought you back her head bitch!' Vis said throwing Doreah before Danny and Neely.

'Forgive me, please.' Doreah sobbed.

'Hush now it's all right... tend to her and leave us.' Danny demanded another servant. 'Why did you hit her?' Neely stood on guard, ready for a fight.

'How many times do I have to tell you do not command me!" Vis shouted viciously.

'I am not commanding you.' Danny said softly, nervously, Neely stepped forward again.

'I am,' Neely said annoyed, 'why the fuck did you hit her?' Neely spat and Vis rose a hand to hit her but Neely took a step forward, a threatening step that sent him back.

'I just wanted you to come here cause I had something made for you, a gift.' danny told him kindly, Vis picked it up.

'Do you think I want Dothraki rags? You dress me now with this piece of manure? All of it-' he started throwing things from the table at Danny . Neely stepped forward pushing him back

'Stop.' Neely warned.

'You have become one of them haven't you?' Vis questioned incredulously.

'Vis I don't think you understand how little power you have here.' Neely reminded him.

'Next you're going to want to braid my hair ,' Vis spat.

'You have no right for a braid you have won no victories yet.' Danny said confidently stepping in front of neely. Neely was proud of her sister finally stepping up for herself.

'You do not talk back to me you are a Dothraki slut,' Vis hit her pushing her to the ground so quickly and so full of rage. 'You have a woken the dragon.' Vis sneered. Danny grabbed a necklace that he had thrown at her and whipped him across the face with it he stumbled off of her and Neely kicked him in the chest. Vis gasped for breath as he glared at his sisters.

'I a Kahlessi of the Dothraki. I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside of me.' Danny said confidently as Neely offered her a hand up. 'The next time you lay a hand on me, will be the last time you have a hand.' Danny said confidently.

"And i don't think you could as well a job as I, one handed brother.' Neely told him.

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