34. We are not men

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'Do you have a name?' Danny asked

'This one's name is missandei your grace.'

'Do you have a family? A mother or father that you would return to if you had the choice?' Danny went on

'No, you're Grace no family living.'

'you belong to me now it is your duty to tell me the truth.' Danny reminded her.

'Yes your grace lying is a great defense many of those on the walk of punishment were taken there for less.'

'I offered water to one of the slaves dying on the walk of punishment do you know what he said to me? Let me die.'

'There are no masters in the grave your grace.' Missandei reminded her.

'Is it true what the masters told me about the unsullied?' Danny went on as they walked 'about their obedience?' Meanwhile neely was kicking at stone on the path trying to think of a better source of payment then her dragons, she couldn't think of any.

'All questions have been taken from them they obey that is all. Once they're yours they're yours. They will fall on their swords if you command it.' Missandei told them.

'And what about you? You know that I'm taking you to war you may go hungry you may fall sick you may be killed.' Danny told her

'valar morghulis' missandei answered

'Yes. All men must die but we are not men.' Neely said happily


A deal has been struck. They were ready to collect their army and get them one step closer to the iron throne. Jorah had never seen Neely so antsy. Neely kneaded her hands together she couldn't believe after the shit they went through about not selling dragons here she was, selling her favorite, her baby. Drogon. Neely just couldn't believe it, she stared at Danny trying to read her mind.

'The master says they are untested he says he would be wise to blood them early there are many small cities between here and their cities worth ransacking,' missandei told danny and neely as they walked through the soldiers. 'Should you take captives the masters would buy the healthy ones for a good price.' They looked over their soldiers 'and who knows in 10 years some of the boys that you sent maybe unsullied in turn.'

Danny opened up the crate pulling out Drogon on a small chain around his foot she held it above her head as he flapped his wings before them. She walked forward passing the chain off to the master dragon squawked above them he handed off the whip, that controlled the unsullied.

'Is it done then? They belong to me?' Danny questioned gripping the whip.

'It is done.' he agreed 'she holds the whip.'

'You hold the whip,' Missandei confirmed.

'The bitch has her army,' the master confirmed. Danny turned away from him as Drogon squawked and cried after them screaming for her. Neely looked up to him she couldn't believe Danny was doing this he squawked and screamed as she looked at her unsullied army. Neely locked eyes on Drogon he pleaded with her and her breath hitched in her throat as she watched him pull at his chain.

'Unsullied.' Danny screamed in their common tongue of High Valyrian. Missandei turned around shocked. They fell to attention the master was still trying to control the dragon. 'March forward.' she declared 'halt!' They stopped

'Tell the bitch her beast won't come.' The master shouted

'A dragon is not a slave.' Neely said finally understanding

'you speak Valyrian?' The master questioned bitterly.

'I am Daenerys storm born at the house Targaryen of the old blood of old Valyeria is my mother tongue.' she turned back to her army, Neely held the whip with Danny holding it over both their heads, hands clasped around it.

'Unsullied.' Neely demanded 'slay the masters slay the soldiers slay any man who holds a whip. But harm no child strike the chains off every slave you see.' Neely demanded and they got to work

'I am your master,' he screamed 'kill her kill her.' but Danny held the whip

'Dracarus.' Meaning dragon fire. Neely declared. He burned the master he screamed out in agony as the fire seared his skin the unsullied got to work as there dragons blazed the city, it burned around them.


A haze of smoke covered Astapor once they were done but they had their army they had their dragons they were one step closer to going home. They walked through the herds of unsullied soldiers.

'Unsullied,' Danny declared 'you have been slaves all your life today you are free.' she said marching around on a white horse. 'Any man who wishes to leave may leave and no one will harm him,' Danny told them all. 'I give you my word... will you fight for me? As Free men?' She shouted there was silence as they debated. Neely looked around waiting for a fight to break out but before long they started tapping their spears into the ground soon all of them were tapping rhythmically their spears in agreement Daenerys was the queen they would follow her.

'I'm really sick of her doing dangerous shit not telling me about it,' Neely said as they boarded their horses and left the city. Danny threw down the whip and the soldiers stomped on it as they followed her out. Their dragons flew freely overhead three of them.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now