60. What you want

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'Let's make this simple, shall we? Tell me what you want." Tyrion said.

"We want you to leave Slaver's Bay. Take your dragons and your mercenaries and go." One of the masters they were meeting with declared.

"Queen Daenerys won't stay in Meereen forever, her path takes her westward."

"When we last met, I offered her ships so she could return to Westeros where she belongs. She refused them." The other Master said.

"She refused them because hundreds of thousands of men, women and children still lived in chains." Messandei snapped back.

"As they had since the dawn of time." He shot back.

"Not anymore." Grey Worm added.

"You think you're a free man? You still took orders. Just because your master has silver hair and tits, don't mean she is not a Master." Yezzan said to Grey.

"He chooses to serve her. He could leave if he wanted to, but he chose the Queen, his Queen. He had a choice. You see the difference?" Neely reminded him.

"Friends, friends, friends please," Tyrion said trying to keep the conversation from getting to hostile. "There have always been those with wealth and power, and those with nothing. That is the way of the world, I'm not here to change the way of the world." Tyrion added politely.

"Slavery is the way of our world." Yezzan argued.

"You don't need slaves to make money! There haven't been slaves in Westeros for hundreds of years. Isnt that right Tyrion?" Neely questioned

"Yes, that is right. But, our Queen recognizes she errored by abolishing slavery without providing a new system to replace it. So, here is the Queen's proposal...' He looked between the masters. 'slavery will never return to Meereen, but she will give the other cities of Slavers Bay time to adjust to the new order." Tyrion said.

"What does that mean?" Yezzan asked.

'Yes Tyrion, explain yourself.' Neely warned.

"Instead of abolishing slavery overnight, we will give you seven years to end the practice." Tyrion said. Messandei and Grey looked at him in disapproval and disbelief, Daenerys had not agreed to that. "Slave holders will be compensated for the losses of course at fair prices. In exchange, you will cut off your support for the Son's of the Harpy." Tyrion told them. Tyrion gave Neely's knee a pat hoping to calm her temper but she stared at him on the brink of exploding. They would not allow slavery to last not another day not another moon and certainly not 7 years.

"We do not support the Son's of the Harpy." Yezzan said quickly.

"Fine, fine. But you will cut it off all the same. I do hope you'll accept, my friends. You will not receive a better offer." Tyrion said and rang a small bell that sat beside him on the table. "Let us sail on the tide of freedom instead of being drowned by it. And as a parting gift to our honored guests." He said as three whores entered the room. "Give freedom a chance. See if it doesn't taste every bit as good as what came before." Tyrion said leaving them be.


"In the last fortnight since our pact with the Masters, how many killings have been carried out by the Sons of the Harpy?" Varys asked at the following council meeting.

"None." Grey informed them.

"And how many Masters have been butchered by the free men?" Varys asked.

"Two, but that was the day of the pact. Since then, nothing." Grey answered.

"So it's safe to say that a fragile peace has taken hold." Varys said.

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