78. Stay

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'Good luck Mormont. This is the coin a slaver gave me when i suggested we should abolish slavery. Take it.' Tyrion said. Jorah stared down a moment before pocketing the coin, then he looked to a very nervous Neely.

'I don't want you to go.' Neely told him.


'I lost you, I thought I lost you and now you are going on a white walker hunt in the great white north and I could lose you again!" Neely exclaimed. 'its like you don't even care about my heart.' Neely told him.

'Once your-'

'I was a wreck, I didn't sleep I was moodier than normal- ask Tyrion- and now you're back and I barely got any time with you before you are going to go and get killed or frozen to death!' Neely shouted.


'I can't lose you again, my heart can't handle it!" Neely declared and jorah hugged her tight. 'don't go.' She whimpered.

'Once we get your sister on the throne, we have all the time in the world.' Jorah reminded her.

'and what if you don't make it, what if... what if you never get to see her on the throne?" Neely countered. 'because you are being stupid and reckless with your life.'

'Tell me how you really feel love.' Jorah mused.

'I love you. I cant lose you.'

'You wont.' Jorah looked back at the ship they were taking, they were ready. 'I will always come back to you. I promise.'


'How many queens are there?'

'Two' jon answered.

'And you need to convince the one with dragons or the one that fucks her brother?'

'Both' jon answered.


'scouts found them a mile south of the wall said they were on their way here...'

''Hey I know you,' jon said looking around the group. 'You're the hound..." He grumbled glancing over at Jon. 'I saw you once at winterfell.'

'they want to go beyond the wall to.' Tormund told jon. Sandor sat up, the rest of the brotherhood waking as well.

'we don't want to go beyond the wall, we have to.' beric told them. 'Our Lord told us that the great war is coming.' Beric told him

'Don't trust him, don't trust any of them.' Gendry said stepping forward 'they are the brotherhood and the last thing their Lord told them to do was sell me to a red witch to be murdered!'

'Thoros, look who it is.' beric said in Thoros leaned forward

'Boy?' thoros grinned

'Last time i spoke to a fire worshipper i was sold to the red woman! They sold me!' gendry shouted.

'Boy? I hardly recognized you' Thoros said grinning at gendry he shot him a glare though. 'Anything to drink down here I haven't been feeling like myself'

'You are a fucking mormont like the rest of them. Like the last Lord Commander.' Tormund was busy shouting at Jorah while gendry shouted at Beric.

'He was my father.' Jorah told him

'He hunted us like animals.' Tormund told him

'You returned the favor as I recall.' Mormont reminded him.

'OK we all are at the edge of the world at the same moment heading in the same direction for the same reason.' Beric spoke up.

'Our reasons are not yours' davvos said

'It does not matter what we think our reasons are.' beric told them 'there is a greater purpose at work and we serve it together whether we mean it or not we take the steps but the Lord of light-'

'Shut the fuck up' sandor said 'are we coming with you or not?'

'Don't you wanna know what we're doing?' jorah questioned.

'better than sitting in a freezing cell waiting to die.' Sandor told them.

'He is right... we are on the same side.' Jon told them

'how can they be?' gendry questioned incredulously.

'we are all breathing.' Jon confirmed opening the door.


As the gate opened at the wall it was a blizzard outside. they headed out snow so thick they could barely see what was ahead of them they were going to catch a white Walker. It seemed like forever when the snow stopped flurrying around them and the sun came out but it was still bitterly cold.

'Ever been north before?' Jon asked Gendry as he shook uncontrollably.

'I've never seen snow before' Gendry admitted.

'How did you get up here? Did you get your balls frozen off?' tormond questioned

They walked and walked and walked and tormond liked to talk.

'You know there is not a woman within a hundred miles of here.' Tormund said looking around the vacant snowy land.

'Probably not another living person within a few hundred miles as well!' Jon called back to them.

'We gotta make due with what we got' Tormond said grinning. 'This one's maybe not so smart' tormond said looking to a frozen gendry as he fell behind.

'Davvos says he's a good fighter' jon told him

'Good smart people don't make these stupid hikes in the middle of nowhere' tormond said laughing 'So this dragon queen...'

'She wants me to bend the knee'

'You spend too much time with the free people and now you don't bend the knee... the king on the wall never bent the knee and how many of his people died for his pride?' tormond questioned


'You still mad at us boy' thoros asked gendry as he trudged along.

'You sold me to a witch' he reminded them. That wasn't something you just let go.

'To a priestess' Beric corrected.

'I will admit there is a fine distinction.' Thoros admitted.

'We were in a war and was cost money' Beric told him.

'I wanted to join the brotherhood and you sold me off like a slave! do you know what she did to me? she strapped me down on the bed stripped me naked-'

'Doesn't sound so bad' Sandor said grinning

'she put leeches on me!' gendry went on

'Was she naked too?' sandor questioned

'While she drained you of your blood?' beric asked.

'Yes, but She wanted to kill me!' gendry exclaimed.

'But she didn't so what are you bitching about?' sandor said and gendry looked at him appalled as if being sold and almost killed, sucked of your blood was no big deal.

'I'm not bitching.' Gendry informed him.

"Your lips are moving and you're complaining, stop bitching about it, you're alive. This one has been killed 6 times and you don't hear him bitching about it.' Sandor told him marching away. Thoros offered gendry a drink he took it, before the continued on their way. A peace offer of sorts.

'good lad.' Thoros said marching ahead. 

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now