26. Qarth

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They were met by an army at the front gates

'I thought we were welcome?' Danny said

'If you heard a Dothraki horde was approaching your city you might do the same.' Jorah told her

'A horde?' But Danny and Neely faced forward as they were approached by the 13.

'My name is Daenerys-'

'Daenerys storm born at the house Targaryen.' he finished

'You know me my Lord?' Danny questioned.

'Only by reputation... I know you as well Deaneel Targaryen.'

'Yeah the whole one arm thing and white hair doesn't allow me to blend in.'  Neely agreed with as much sass as she could muster.

'I am no lord merely a humble merchant,' he told them 'they call you the mothers of dragons.'

'And what should I call you?" Danny offered her best smile, at least the best one she could muster up.

'Oh my name is quite long and quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce ,'he was a large man with a funny nose wearing funny clothes and Neely couldn't help but think not to trust these people, but what choice do they have. Danny was offering her best smiles and trying very hard to believe that they would help us but Neely was always the skeptical one. The pessimist and she didn't like the look at this place. Jorah reached out touching her hand gently. It calmed her having him there.

'I am simply a trader of spices,' he told them 'but we are the 13 charged with the governance and protection of qarth. The greatest city that ever was or will be.'

'The beauty of QUARTH is legendary-' Danny began

'Qarth.'  He corrected

'QARTH' Neely mimicked.

'Might we see the dragons?' Danny looked back at her dragons caged

'My friend,' she said hesitantly 'we have traveled very far we have no food no water once I see my people fed I would be honored-'

'Forgive me mother of dragons but no man alive has seen a living dragon some of my more skeptical friends refuse to believe you're... Children even exist all we ask is a chance to see for ourselves.'

'I am not a liar.' Danny told him.

'Oh I don't think you are as I've never met you before my opinion on the matter is a limited value.'

'Where I come from guests are Treated with respect and not insulted at the gates.' Neely told them

'Then perhaps you should return to where you come from we wish you well.'

'Shit did I just fucked that up?' Neely muttered but Danny stomped forward

'What are you doing you promise to receive me.' Danny said

'We have received you,' he said 'here we are in here you are you.'

'If you do not let us in all of us will die.' Danny told him.

'Which we will deeply regret but QARTH did not become the greatest city that ever was or will be by letting Dothraki savages through its gates.'  They turned leaving them out in the desert sand

'We show them a dragon who cares,' Neely said 'we die the dragons die then what's the use anyways.'

'Please be careful,' Jorah told them but his eyes locked on Neely she was the one to be reckless

'13,' Neely declared stomping forward 'when our dragons are grown we will take back what was stolen from us and destroy those who have wronged us.' Neely told him and Danny stepped forward a united front.

'We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground. Turn us away and we will burn you first.' Danny threatened

'Are you are a true Targaryen only as you said a moment ago if we don't let you into the city you will all die so...'

'Retreating in fear from a little girl is unbecoming of the greatest city that was or ever will be.' one of the 13 said

'The discussion is over Zarrow. The 13 have spoken-'

'I am one of the 13 and I am still speaking.' Zarrow told him

'The girl threatens to burn a city to the ground and you would invite her in for a cup of wine?'

'They are the mothers of dragons you expect them to watch their people starve without breathing fire? I believe we can let us a few Dothraki in our gates without doing our city after all here I am a savage from the summer isles and QARTH still stands.'

'Our decision is final.'

'Very well,' Zarrow said 'I invoked Sumai.' He pulled his blade free

'What is happening? what is going on?' Neely questioned looking between them.

'I will vouch for her, her people and her dragons in accordance with the law.' he cut his hand showing his blood to the 13.

'Be it on your head,' the fat man with the funny nose said

'Welcome to Qarth my lady,' Zarrow said and the gates opened it was beautiful inside. They follow Danny in.

Dragon Mothers // Jorah MormontWhere stories live. Discover now