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After your seemingly long time of reflection, you decide to take the days freedom to catch up with the family. Shooting a quick text to your aunts, sisters and, reluctantly your mother. You decide to invite them out for some food, for the opportunity to catch up after these long years of separation.

After straining through the pain, you manage to clean yourself up and get some decent clothes on. You decide to lay the chains on your vanity that you never use. Lightly limping your way down the stairs and eventually to your car. Taking the relaxing drive to your aunt's house allows a silent drive of contemplation.

You finally make it to the ever so familiar house. It's a small quaint house on the outskirts of town. Good memories flooding in make you smile.

You knock on the door, and a small girl with Vi's pink hair and Caitlyn's eyes greets you.

"Hello. I'm Diana, who are you?" she asks with an innocent tone.

"I am.." you get cut off by Caitlyn walking behind her.

"Diana, that's your cousin Y/n. Let's get you to your friend Leona's house, alright?" Caitlyn says with a smile as she leads Diana to her room.

"Cmon bud Cait's gonna meet us there" Vi approaches with a smile, hands leisurely in her jacket pocket. She pauses and gives you a loving hug.

"How ya feeling?" she asks in a motherly tone.

"Still limping, minor headache but otherwise fine. I hope you all didn't get hurt when I just went ahead like that back there." you say with a tang of guilt in your voice.

"Y/n, we made it out fine. We were all experienced combatants. We were more worried about you, but you made it out safe and that's all that matters." Vi says with a confident smile and a pat on your shoulder.

You eventually make it to the parking lot you 'rented out' a.k.a got a favor from a friend for.

Your family's car next to yours, seeing each other get out of their respective vehicles gives you a warm feeling mixed with dread...due to how your respective fame is going to burden those unfamiliar with your presence in the music industry. You gather up and walk out of the ally to the busy sidewalk where the paparazzi are already starting to form.

"Goddamnit" you say as you roll your eyes.

Your Aunts stay close to you, now being relatively familiar with being in the spotlight. Your mother and Jinx on the other hand are not taking it so well.

They look quite overwhelmed with the sheer amount of people around them.

"Mom c'mon" you motion towards the couple as you slow your pace to allow them to catch up. Her and jinx lightly jog to catch up and stay close to you, now the dreaded moment comes.





Among other words were spewed with a nasty violence as the group walks by.

Your mother especially looks at you highly concerned, her face scrunched in sadness and confusion.

You take a look back and see the saddened look on your mother's face, you take her hand and pat it comfortingly.

You eventually give a nod to the man standing at the door of the restaurant who lets you in.

Once the group enters, your entourage looks at the beautiful interior with awe.

"Y/n, this looks super expensive" your mother says with a concerned tone.

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