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A stormy night is an easy way for majority of the residents to fall asleep, except for Ahri.

"Ah!!" Ahri screams and jumps towards Evelynn on the bed as the thunder booms.

"Honey it's okay, no need to worry" Evelynn says softly through a chuckle.

Ahri shakily says in a Whiney tone,

"It's so loud! How are you NOT scared of it?"

"Honey it's not as loud for me, you just have better hearing. We go over this Everytime" Evelynn says while gently rubbing Ahri's back.

"Why did I have to be a fox? I could have been like a dog..or a bird" Ahri pouts.

"Firstly, dogs' ears are just as sensitive. Secondly, there's nothing wrong with foxes. I think foxes are cute"

"Oh aren't you such a charmer" Ahri says sarcastically.

Evelynn swiftly drops a kiss on Ahri's head

"Oh hush you know you love it"

"Have you ever thought about how crazy it is, how long we have been married?"

"Not really, it takes a lot for me to die so I haven't really considered it. All I know is that I don't regret proposing to you that fateful evening" Evelynn says with a soft smile.

Ahri awkwardly chuckles,

"Uhm, I proposed to you. We were in China, we went to that gazebo on the hill" Ahri explains, making eye contact.

"Honey no no, I proposed to YOU" Evelynn says as she boops Ahri's nose.

In your room,

Kai'sa is sitting at the desk hastily writing lyrics for an upcoming song, scrolling through different inspiration pieces for the choreography.

For the past hour or two, the room was dead silent except for the occasional busy murmur from Kai'sa.

It's been a rough night, just one of those days where everything goes wrong. You got frustrated due to messing up dance practice, you got little to no sleep the night before. You even tried cooking, which turned out horrible. All of this added up to you deciding you weren't gonna do anything besides lay in bed, trying to rest for your first business meeting in a long while.

Listening to music isn't even blocking out the noise going on in your mind, the thoughts running through your head. Both intrusive or just simply not pleasant memories. After the whole tornado incident, you promised Kai'sa and the others that you would communicate your feelings more. But damn is that easier said than done.

All you yearn for is to be held softly and gently in Kai'sa's arms, feeling her next to you is the only thing that could calm the rising storm in your mind. Sadly, fear is taking over. You want to reach out for help, but what's coming out of your
mouth is silence. Why would you bother her during her work? The work that got her to her financial and social status. This time is vital for her, and you're terrified of interrupting that for you being all sad.

After a few seconds you manage to muster up the courage,

"Kai'sa, you doin okay over there?"
you ask, failing to hide your depressed tone.

"Yea I'm okay! Just a little frustrated is all, but I'm slowly getting somewhere"

Kai'sa turns completely around in her chair to face you,

"Are you okay, sweetie?"


A harsh sigh later,

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