Lil Backstory

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You and Yasuo are relaxing on the couch, sitting in silence after the recent events.

"So...are we gonna do this?" Yasuo breaks the silence, not even making eye contact with you and Kayn who just walked in the room.

"Me personally, I'm ready for anything. I'm following you all."

"I mean...they almost killed Sarah. These same people have been fucking with me and this family ever since I met everyone. We can't keep letting this happen. What is stopping them from coming here, or going to Cait and Vi's. There's so many possibilities that we just cannot risk happening" you say, turning to both men.

Samira and Sarah walks in on the conversation,

"Don't tell me you still plan to do this?" Sarah asks with a chuckle as she gently sits down, wincing from the pain.

"Sarah, the decision is final." Samira says in a serious tone, setting the long ornate case on her lap.

The serious tone from the charismatic Samira blindsides both you and Yasuo.

"What's that?" Kai'sa asks as the rest of the girls follow her, wanting to see who entered.

"Her favorite toy" Sarah says with a chuckle.

"Ew" Akali says with a disgusted face

"Not that toy!" She retorts back.

Samira opens the case to reveal a sword with two pistols set in a fur mold next to the blade and the hilt.

She pulls the sword out and admires the steel blade, her eyes shining as the light reflects off it.

"It's still beautiful as the first time I saw it" you say in awe, the girls staring at the sword dumbfounded.

"You have a SWORD?!" Ahri asks

"You thought I was kidding"

"I had to clean it last night to make her look presentable, still some blood on it"

Samira sets the blade back and pulls out the two pistols.

"I forgot how light they were" Samira says with a chuckle.

"Those are definitely custom made, how did you manage to come up with those?" Kayn asks

Well, on my first command back in...2002. Some soldiers got on board the ship and started massacring everyone, I managed to survive with a couple confirmed kills to my name with just a steel pipe. At the time I wasn't too good at shooting guns, so I ended up just using that. My next command I got stationed with a Seal Team, something happened and they actually had swords so I ended up using that in combination with pistols. So eventually once I found out I was getting extended there due to the war. This little bandit and I had already met and have been dating for a few years. She had connections, I had money. We made it happen, ever since then I had that with my ever since. Got it through any security checkpoint when we got married due to our name, now I'm here to use it to kill my brother's friends"

"That has to be the coolest weapon finding story EVER" Akali tells excitedly

Kai'sa leans down to your ear and whispers,

"She's actual war hero"

" thought I was lying?"

"No of course not but...just to see someone like that in the flesh. I read about those stories she just told and I never realized she was there"

"That's your mother-in-law" you say proudly, giving Kai'sa's cheek a kiss.

"Well dear, I see where you get your toughness from" Evelynn whispers in your ear with a devious giggle..

"All thanks to her"

"Oh yes I'll make sure to thank her via you" Evelynn says huskily while she kisses you gently yet subtlety..

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