Enduring Love

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A/N: Very short chapter but and I apologize but it just felt right to end it where it did, don't worry their dynamic will be explored later on if you were wondering. Thanks for all the support everyone! <3

Early morning in the Fortune household causes Samira to awake and remove herself from her lover's gentle and loving grasp. Samira drags her feet towards the bathroom, she stares at herself in the mirror. One of her eyes permanently shut, her other eye staring deeply into her own reflection. Everything she has been through in the past 25 years flashes before her eye, causing her to lean over the counter hands bracing the edge. All of the people she killed, the people she lost but debatably the scariest of them all. The people she almost lost. Her pride and joy, Y/n and Yasuo.

She looks back up to her reflection, her one eye watering. Her pride and self-worth all lost, nowhere to be found. That exhilaration she felt in her youth is what fueled her whole being, now it's gone. Looking at herself in the mirror itself has become a difficult task without being disgusted.

Sarah wakes up to a cold bed, sitting up she realizes where her source of warmth has gone. She gingerly approaches the bathroom and sees the love her life in tears staring at herself in the mirror.

"Samira?" Sarah says in a calming tone.

She slowly approaches to grab Samira's hand. Samira, in a startled frenzy, instantly reacts by violently yanking her arm back in an attempt to shed off the grip.

"No no no no" Samira murmurs in a stressed tone, still frantically resisting the touch that startled her.

"Sammy Sammy Sammy, my love" Sarah says in a soft tone that seemingly calms Samira down and allows herself to be embraced by her wife.

"It's okay Sammy, you're safe." Sarah whispers into her wife's ear.

Once Samira's breathing settles, she leans back to look her wife in the eyes, still staying in her grasp. Tears still flooding from her single eye.

"What's on your mind, love?" Sarah asks, wiping a tear from Samira's face. Gently cupping her face.

"I almost lost Y/n and Yasuo...Losing Akshan...and I can't even look at myself in the damn mirror without feeling so disgusted" Samira rants angrily, her eye flaring up in anger, struggling to keep her focus on one thing.

"Sammy, look at me" Sarah says with a soft tone.

Samira stops her rant as her green eye locks with Sarah's ocean blue orbs.

"You're beautiful, Samira. You always have been, always will be." Sarah says with a smile, she takes her hand and kisses the tips of her fingers and gently places it on Samira's closed eye.

"I miss the feeling of being alive...I have never felt so dead before, so lifeless" Samira says sadly.

"I know my love; I feel it to. I just want you to know that I am here on this journey with you. Just like the old days, so many journeys together. What's another one? And who knows, maybe this one is just as fun" Sarah's tone perks up at the mention of fun as she bounces on her toes.

The little movement makes Samira show her trademark smirk, which still sends butterflies to Sarah's stomach every time. The way Samira's single green eye brightens with seeing Sarah's smile is still mesmerizing, having only one eye just seems to concentrate all the emotion into one place. Call it placebo but it feels more contagious when it all comes from one area. Sarah can't help but smile back at her lover.

"Stay here, I have a gift for you" Sarah says with an excited smile as she releases herself from the grasp.

Samira smiles at the excitement of her wife, she comes back moments later with two boxes in her hand.

"Open it!" Sarah smiles as she hands Samira the box.

Samira opens the box and sees an eyepatch. Velvet and black, A rose centered on the patch with a heart filling the empty space on the leather adjacent to the rose.

Samira smiles and puts on the eyepatch, Samira always loved wearing her eyepatches especially after her retirement. It always brought her back to her fighting days, brought her back to the adrenaline that gave her life.

Sarah quickly grabs the second box and puts on a replica eye patch.

"I know your eye sometimes makes you insecure but, My Beautiful Desert Rose, who wants two eyes when you get to wear a badass eye patch. Happy Anniversary" Sarah says with a teary-eyed light chuckle.

"You always know what to say, eh?" Samira says with a teary chuckle.

"I love you my little Bandit" Samira gives her wife a passionate kiss.

"Forever and always Rosie, forever and always"

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