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They laid in bed the whole day, talking about anything and everything, except the miscarriage. Sakura was emotionally tapped out and couldn't do it anymore today. Sasuke was respectful of it, although he did have a lot of questions.

She was laying against his side, her head resting on his chest while he traced small invisible circles along her back. It was soothing, that paired with the steady beat of his heart, was enough to lull her to sleep. She was almost asleep with Sasuke spoke softly, "Sakura?"

"Hmm?" she asked sleepily not bothering to open her eyes.

"How are things with the Clinic coming along?"

She couldn't help but crack a small smile, "Things are going great. I just finalized the last of the floor plans. Now all there is to do is build it."

"Oh yeah? How long will that take?"

"I'm not quite sure, maybe a year or two."

"So you don't have anything more to do on it until it's complete?"

Now her interest was piqued, she was no longer tired. She rolled onto her stomach, resting her chin on the heel of her hand so she could look at him. "I feel like there's more to these questions than general curiosity" she stated.

He met her eyes, his expression nervous but guarded. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you."

'Something he wants to ask me?'

"This is something I've been thinking a lot about, even before, you know" he said, meaning the miscarriage. "I've realized that I don't want to be away from you, I can't be away from you anymore."

"What are you saying Sasuke?"

"I want you to come with me when I leave the village again."

'Am I dreaming? Did he just- did he ask what I think he just did?'

"I won't ever ask you to give up on your dreams Sakura. Just- come with me. At least until you're needed at the Clinic again."

Her head was spinning. She had asked him to take her with him both times he left the village but didn't for separate reasons. She had all but given up on that being a reality. Now he was asking her to go, telling her that he couldn't stay away from her.

"Sasuke, this- this is-" she couldn't form the words, she didn't even know what to say. Of course her inner self was jumping up and down screaming 'Yes!' but she couldn't get her head wrapped around it.

"You just have to say yes. Nothing else."

"Y-yes" she agreed breathlessly. She raised her head to look at him, a smile was tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"You will?" he asked, his brows raised in surprise. His mismatched eyes were bright with excitement. His grip around her waist tightened.

"I will" he reiterated as she leaned up to kiss him. "Are you so surprised?"

"I didn't know if you would after everything I've put you through. Especially what you just went through."

"I don't think I could bare to be by myself again. I think we can get through this if we are together. No more distance."

She crawled further up the bed to nestle into his side, tucking her head under his chin. They held each other close before drifting off to sleep. Tomorrow Sakura would be going to the hospital to break the news that she would be leaving temporarily.

She was woken up the next morning by her usual alarm. Sasuke was still sound asleep, facing away from her on his stomach with his one arm tucked under his pillow.

She couldn't resist the urge and ran her fingers softly down his bare spine, making him shiver and tense up his body for a second. "Can I help you with something?" he mumbled without rolling over.

"No" she whispered as she leaned over and kissed his shoulder, "I'm getting ready to go to the hospital."

"Want me to come with you?" he asked as he rolled onto his back so he could see her.

She laughed softly, "And what? Shadow me like some kind of body guard?"

"If that's what you'd like" he said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes before crawling out of the bed to get dressed, "I don't think they'll like you hovering over me while I'm working."

"It's alright. I need to go talk to Kakashi anyways."

"He doesn't know you're here, does he?" she asked as she leaned in the doorway. Sasuke had finally gotten out of bed to get ready for the day as well.

"He doesn't" he confirmed as he pulled on his shirt. "I'm going to tell him you're leaving with me."

"I noticed you said 'tell' instead of 'ask'."

"Do you think I'd listen if I did ask and he said 'no'?" He had a point. Sasuke wasn't one to ask permission for anything. Especially from Kakashi.

"Well I'll probably be home around dinner time so I'll give you an extra key in case you get back before I do" she said she was walked over to her dresser. On top there was a small wooden box that held all her miscellaneous, but important, things. Right next to it was their picture they took when they became Team 7.

Before turning back to face him her eyes couldn't help but linger on that photo. For the many years that was the only piece of Sasuke she had to hold on to, that and her memories of their time together as teammates. It was her most cherished possession. Now, she had him here with her and he loved her and they were going to travel together. It was enough to make her heart burst.

"Everything okay?" he asked as he walked up behind her. She turned to face him, resting her back against the dresser. "Everything is more than okay" she told him as she kissed him on the cheek.

They left together and each turned to walk their separate ways, Sakura to the hospital and Sasuke to the Hokage's Office. Before turning the corner she made one last glance back at him and noticed he did the same. She smiled and waved before he walked out of sight.

Shizune was easy enough to find seeing as she was waiting in Sakura's office for her. She was seated behind her desk, leaned back in the chair, reading through some paperwork.

"Ready to take over?" Sakura said as she entered the office. Shizune laughed as she sat forward in the seat and put the papers down on the desk. "Nice joke."

"Who said it was a joke?"

Shizune stopped laughing and snapped her head up to look at Sakura. "What're you talking about?" she asked in a panicked tone, she was watching Sakura cautiously.

"I'm being serious Shizune" she said as she closed the office door. She was able to cross the room in a few short strides and sat down across from her. "I'm leaving temporarily. I want you to take over while I'm gone."

"You're really going to leave?"

"Just for a little while."

"Wh-wha- I mean, is it the workload? Do you need time off after what happened? You know I would totally understand, and encourage it. What's making you leave?" She asked as she leaned forward on the desk.

"It's Sasuke."

Shizune's eyes went wide with realization, "You're leaving the village. To travel with Sasuke. Aren't you?"

Sakura nodded. Shizune jumped from her seat and rounded the desk to hug her tightly. "I'm so happy for you Sakura. I'll do whatever I need for you, you don't need to worry."

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