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"Lord Hokage. You have someone here to see you" Shikamaru said tensely as he entered the Hokage's office. He had taken over the role as the Hokage's Assistant so Shizune could continue her work as a medic in the hospital.

"I don't have anything on the schedule do I? Tell them to make an appointment, I'm busy right now" Kakashi responded without looking up from the scroll he was reading.

"I'm not waiting" Sasuke said as he walked into the room past Shikamaru to approach Kakashi's desk. The Hokage leaned back in his chair, surprised to see his former student walk in.

"Sasuke. Last I heard you were in the Land of Rice. Why are you here? And why wasn't I informed?" he asked sternly. He wasn't as strict on Sasuke as many would like him to be but he still expected at least a courtesy message of his whereabouts once in awhile.

"You're informed now. And why I'm here is none of your concern, it was a private matter."

"Oh?" Kakashi challenged. "Sasuke you haven't forgotten the only reason you're not confined to a prison cell is because of our deal, have you?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes but didn't respond to Kakashi's point because he was absolutely correct, not that he would say that. Kakashi took his silence as a win and relaxed slightly.

"If you won't tell me why you're in the village will you tell me why you're in my office?"

"I'm here to tell you Sakura is coming with me when I leave."

Kakashi chuckled nervously, "I- I don't think I heard you right-"

"No. You did." Sasuke stood there patiently while Kakashi processed it all.

"So, when did this happen?"

Sasuke couldn't help but feel the slight burn in his cheeks. He didn't like to disclose personal things such as this. Sakura was the only one he felt comfortable enough with to be open.

"Like I said, it's none of your concern."

"But it is Sasuke. See, Sakura is a very integral part of the village and I want to make sure she's in good hands before I just allow her to leave."

Sasuke clenched his fist and let out a sigh of annoyance before responding, "Let's do this privately" he said indicating he wanted Shikamaru to leave. Kakashi dismissed him with a nod and Sasuke heard the door shut a moment later.

"Go on Sasuke. Why do you want Sakura to travel with you all of a sudden?"

"Something happened and I don't want to be away from her anymore."

Kakashi's interest was piqued, especially considering how much he pushed her away when they were younger. He had always hoped her love would be reciprocated one day and it looked like that was beginning to happen. Little did he know it had happened awhile ago. Kakashi didn't know the true depth of their relationship.

"And you won't tell me what that is?" Sasuke shook his head. "Fine, I'll respect your privacy, but I want to know your location at all times. I won't have Sakura be unreachable."

"I understand." Sasuke turned to walk from the office when Kakashi said one last thing, "Take care of each other out there."

Sakura returned home from the hospital near dinner time as she predicted. When she opened the door she was greeted by the smell of cooking food. She walked to the kitchen and leaned the in archway, watching Sasuke as he maneuvered around. An array of ingredients were spread out before him. The scent of fish frying in a pan was stronger now that she was in the same toom, rice was steaming next to it, and Sasuke was currently chopping vegetables.

"Welcome home" he greeted over his shoulder. She walked over and leaned on the counter to watch. He moved easily through each task, like he had only ever had one hand his whole life.

"You've gotten pretty good at that" she said, gesturing to his only hand as he chopped up the last of the broccoli in front of him.

He chuckled, "It's not always been this easy. I've just gotten used to it I suppose."

"How did your meeting with Kakashi go?"

"I wouldn't really call it a meeting but I got my point across. He's agreed to let you go with some conditions. How did things go at the hospital?"

Sasuke busied himself with stirring around the vegetables as he spoke. Sakura moved to grab plates from the cabinet.

"Better than I expected. I got everyone's complete support."

"When will be your last day there?"

"Today" she said nonchalantly. Shizune had ensured her everything could be handled immediately. They both worked so closely together the transition would be almost seamless.

He froze and turned to look at her, "Today?"

She smiled as she nodded her head. "We can leave as soon as we are ready."

He crossed the room and pulled her close to him by her hip. She brought her hands up to rest on his chest as she met his mismatched eyes, it was like a fire was burning inside of him.

"I can't believe I'm going to have you all to myself" he said softly before kissing her.

"I can't wait" she responded after pulling back slightly. "I want to leave as soon as possible."

Sasuke gave her a chaste kiss before turning back to the food. He quickly turned off the burners and began to dish out portions of each onto the plates Sakura had set on the counter. Once he was finished she picked them up and carried them to the dining room table.

"How about we leave in the next day or so? That way we have time to take care of whatever we need to before we go" Sasuke suggested as he took a bite of fish.

"Aside from getting supplies there's one more thing left to do; tell my parents."

Sasuke nearly choked on his food. He had forgotten all about her parents. He knew Sakura didn't have the best relationship with them, and they certainly didn't like him.

"Do they know about me?" he asked with genuine curiosity. He didn't care one way or another if they did. Sakura shook her head. She answered as he expected.

"So then they don't know about the miscarriage either then?" That word still tasted sour in his mouth.

"Nope" she responded simply as she pushed the food around on her plate. "And I intend to keep it that way. One less thing they can hold over my head and make me seem more like a failure to them."

Sasuke didn't have his parents in his life because they were dead. Sakura didn't have hers because they couldn't love her unconditionally. They had always been critical of her. He couldn't imagine her position; having parents but not having them at the same time. He couldn't imagine a world where he couldn't be close to his family if they were alive.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

She looked up at him and gave him a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea."

He reached over and took her free hand in his. "If you're sure" he told her. "All you have to do is ask and I'll be there. Whether you decide to tell them about anything else is your decision."

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