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"Sakura you have to get up" Sasuke said sternly. He was standing by the edge of the bed, hand on his hip, as he looked down at the lump, who was Sakura, curled up under the blankets.

"No I don't" she said, her words muffled by the blanket.

He sighed outwardly before grabbing a corner of the blanket and yanking it off the bed to lay on the floor. Sakura yelped in surprise.

"Yes. You do."

"Maybe they won't even notice I'm gone."

"Sakura, you are telling them. End of sorry. Now get. Out. Of. Bed."

Sakura furrowed her brows, "You sound like you're scolding a child."

"Well if the shoe fits" he said simply, a smirk tugging at his lips. He jumped onto the bed next to her, bouncing them both up into the air. With a giggle she rolled over to rest on his chest, "Thank you" she told him softly. He furrowed his brow, a silent question as to what she was thanking him for. "For caring about me. For helping me do this."

He smiled and pulled her down against his chest. "5 minutes of pain for a couple years of nothing but the two of us. It's worth it."

She kissed him before jumping from the bed to get dressed. "I better not put it off any longer then I suppose."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you" he groaned as he sat on the edge of the bed, his feet planted on the floor. She tossed a shirt at him, which he easily caught, and he pulled it on over his head.

Sasuke decided to walk with Sakura to her parent's house and wait outside. They were only a few streets over from Sakura's house, still living in the same apartment she grew up in.

She took a deep breath before walking up the steps, Sasuke following in her shadow, and knocking on the door. She cast him a nervous glance over her shoulder while she waited for them to answer. He reached forward and held her hand to give her a reassuring squeeze.

"Sakura!" her mother said in surprise as she opened the door. "And- Sakura's friend?"

"Mom this is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't think you've ever officially met" she said as she turned to the side so her mother could see him.

"Oh you're her old teammate right? When you were kids?"

Sasuke, who had prepared for the worst, was surprised to hear that this was the first thing she thought of when she heard his name. Not a rogue ninja, not a traitor, just her daughter's old teammate.

"Y-yes ma'am. It's nice to officially met you" he said as he bowed slightly.

"Well why don't you guys come in? I just put on some tea."

Sasuke took a step back, "I appreciate it but I actually have some errands to run. It was nice to meet you. Sakura - I'll be right around the corner, okay?" He made sure to address her directly, meeting her eyes so she knew he was there for her.

She nodded and gave him a soft smile before heading inside with Mebuki. Sasuke situated himself on a bench right around the corner from the front door. He was patient so he would give her all the time she needed. Plus he could hear their conversation through the open window above him.

"Where's dad?" Sakura asked as she sat at the kitchen table, her mother was pouring water from the kettle into two small cups.

"He ran out to the store so he may not be back for a little bit."

"This might make it easier then" Sakura said under her breath. Mebuki set a cup in front of each of them before taking her seat.

"What's the reason for the visit? I haven't seen you in months and now you've shown up with a boy" Mebuki asked genuinely, not in her normal accusing tone that Sakura had grown so used to. She seemed very intrigued in the relationship.

"I- uh- there's something I wanted to tell you" Sakura started nervously.

"Oh don't tell me you're pregnant" she said, dread filling her voice.

"No" she responded through gritted teeth. Sasuke could hear the emotion in her voice but she kept herself together. In a way, that surge of anger gave Sakura the confidence to say what she needed to. She was no longer nervous.

"I'm leaving the village to travel with Sasuke until the clinic is done."

Mebuki's head snapped up, obviously surprised. She slowly sat her cup down on the table, "This seems so sudden. What do you mean you're just going to up and leave? What about the hospital?"

"It's been taken care of. My decision is made Mom. I'm just doing the courtesy of letting you know."

"Have you really taken any time to think this over? Are you sure you'll be safe with him? Don't think I don't know who he is."

Sakura's eyes leveled at her mother. Mebuki knew everything Sakura went through loving Sasuke all these years, of course she wanted to protect her daughter from what she had made herself believe about Sasuke's character.

"You don't know him like I do. That's all in the past. I've let it go, you can too. And if you can't then I don't know what else there is to say." She stood from the table, her tea going untouched as she walked towards the door.

"Sakura wait!" Mebuki called as she grabbed her daughter's wrist. She pulled her back and turned her into a hug.

"If you can, then I can too" she told her softly. "I just want what's best for you and, if this is it, then I support you."

Sakura clung to her mother as tears escaped down her cheeks. She had never expected these words from her. Mebuki had never been supportive of Sakura's decisions but here she was, supporting her without a doubt and trusting her.

"What about Dad?"

"You leave him to me" she said holding her back at arms length, "Go on. I know he's waiting for you. Just promise to write, okay?"

"Okay" Sakura promised as she gave her one last hug. When she opened the door to leave Sasuke was leaning on the wall at the bottom of the stairs.

"It went well" he told her. She ran down the stairs and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You heard?"

"I did" he said as he hugged her back. "I was waiting below the window for you. You stood your ground, I'm proud of you."

The couple walked side by side, Sasuke's arm draped across her shoulders, as they walked to their next destination; Naruto's house.

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