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"Sasuke I told you we weren't going to make it back!" Sakura scolded through gritted teeth, sweat covering her brow.

"There's nothing we can do about it now, just focus!" It wasn't entirely Sasuke's fault that they were in this position; how was he to know that she would go into labor earlier than they expected.

"Keep your breathing steady Sakura" Karin ordered. She was sitting on her knees at the foot of the bed between Sakura's legs. "You're not ready to push yet. I'll come back and check again in a little bit." She stood from the bed and walked to the door, "and quit stressing her out Sasuke!"

He was seated behind Sakura, she was leaned back against his chest for support. All he could do was glare at his former teammate, his words would only prove that he was stressing Sakura out, he couldn't have that.

Sakura's inactive labor had been going on for hours. Sasuke couldn't say for how many, he had lost track at this point. He didn't know what time it was or if it was daylight outside or not. He was only focused on her and the baby.

"You're doing great" he whispered in her ear as she laid her head back on his shoulder. Her eyes were shut, her breathing labored. She was exhausted by this point and she hadn't even begun to push yet.

"I'm so tired Sasuke" she said between deep breaths.

He brought his hand up to brush her hair back off her face where the sweat had made it cling to her. He felt helpless, this was a battle that only Sakura could fight.

"You can do this" he affirmed. "I know you can."

Karin returned to the room awhile later, as promised, announcing herself with a soft knock on the door. "I'm going to check your progress again Sakura." She knelt down on the bed again and pushed the thin sheet back over her knees.

Her eye brows shot up, "Sakura it's time to push. Suigetsu!" A moment later the white haired man frantically ran into the room.

"What?! Is the baby here?!" He had been waiting anxiously since the couple arrived at the hide out. Every time Karin left their room he would bombard her with questions.

She barely refrained from rolling her eyes, "No. Get me some warm water and lots and lots of rags." Suigetsu didn't waste a moment and dashed off from the room again.

"Sasuke, I need you to let her lay down. Come down here and help me."

As much as he hated to leave his position he listened. He helped her lay back and adjusted the pillows beneath her. "You ready?" he asked as he looked down at her. She nodded her head shakily but smiled up at him.

He kissed her quickly before moving down next to Karin. Suigetsu returned and handed the rags to Sasuke before sitting the bucket on the floor next to them.

"Jugo and I will be in the next room. If you need anything; shout" he told them before leaving.

"Alright Sakura, Sasuke and I will hold your legs, I need you to push now. Push until I tell you to stop."

Sakura buckled down and pushed as hard as she could. Karin indicated for her to stop and she fell back onto the bed. "You're doing great Sakura. Take a moment and we will start again."

Unfortunately this process would repeat itself over the next three hours. Sakura was becoming more and more fatigued while Sasuke's anxiety was through the roof. He stood with the intention of moving to sit behind her again, to offer her support, but Karin quickly spoke up, "Sasuke! Don't move, I need you down here."

He looked to Sakura, his expression pained, but she shook her head. "No I'll be fine Sasuke. It's okay" she said through deep breaths. She propped herself on her elbows again, "I need to push Karin."

Sasuke resumed his position holding her right leg. It felt like no progress had been made in the many hours Sakura had been pushing.

"What's taking so long?" he asked Karin quietly.

"I'm not sure. The baby can't go on like this much longer, neither can Sakura."

Karin sat up and looked over the blanket to Sakura, "I know you're tired but I'm going to need you to push with everything you have, okay?"

Sakura nodded shakily and bared down, groaning with effort.

"That's it Sakura! Keep going!"

Sakura fell back against the pillows with a breath of relief as the sounds of the newborn's healthy cries filled the room. Sasuke was too stunned to even move, he was entirely focused on his child. Karin cleaned the baby quickly before turning to Sasuke.

"It's a-"

"Sasuke cut the cord right here" she said as she pointed to the exact spot. He did so quickly and she wrapped the baby in a blanket once she clamped off the remaining part of the cord.

"Sakura needs tending to. Please take the baby. I'll call you in when I'm finished."

She placed the bundle against Sasuke's chest, his arm bending around for support. He walked from the room to find Jugo and Suigetsu waiting just outside.

"Wow! That's a sight I thought I'd never see; Sasuke holding a tiny baby" Suigetsu said excitedly as he jumped to his feet.

"Congratulations" Jugo said softly. "What is it?"

Sasuke could only look down on the baby in his arm, "A daughter. I have a daughter." He was in complete awe, he was surprised he managed to get those few words out.

"Congrats man!" Suigetsu said. "Can I hold her?"

Sasuke looked at him out of the corner of his eye bewildered for just a moment before he got himself under control. He had to quickly remind himself that it wasn't unusual for other people to hold someone else's newborn, Suigetsu didn't ask anything out of the ordinary. Sasuke just couldn't imagine letting another person hold something so precious of his.

"After Sakura does then maybe you can."

Karin appeared behind him a moment later. "You can go back in" she said pointing at Sasuke. And you two" pointing to Jugo and Suigetsu, "better be quiet so Sakura can rest." She had a stern look on her face, neither of them dared to defy her order.

Sasuke didn't say anything to the three of them, he just turned and walked back into the room. Sakura was lying on her back with the blanket pulled up to her hip, pillows piled around her.

Sasuke walked to the edge of the bed and crouched down to gently slide the baby onto the bed and into her mother's waiting arms.

"Oh Sasuke" she said in awe. She rolled onto her side and held the baby close to her.

"Sakura, meet our daughter" he said proudly, still crouched beside the bed. Her eyes met his and her mouth was wide in happy surprise, "Looks like you were right" she said softly. "All there's left to do is name her."

Sasuke already knew the name he wanted. It came to him shortly after Sakura found out she was pregnant. As soon as he laid his eyes on her he knew this name was meant for her.

"Sarada" he told her, "Sarada Uchiha."

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