Teachers Punishment

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(Summary - Y/n is caught making out with someone on school grounds so professor Romanoff steps in and gives Y/n a punishment.)

Warnings - Mommy kink, strap on, edging

Y/n's POV

It was currently my lunch break at school today and while everyone else was eating I was in an empty classroom with this girl I met earlier called Lucy.

We were making out and things got extremely heated until we were stopped by the door bursting open revealing Professor Romanoff who gave us a look as if she could kill us. 

"What do you two think you are doing! On school grounds, this is completely unacceptable!" She yelled angrily.

We both stopped what we were doing and I hung my head, not wanting to look up at Romanoff because in all honesty I had a huge crush on her and she looked really hot when she was angry.

"Lucy, out I'll find you and speak with you later." I was confused to why she didn't tell me to leave so I began to walk out as well but I was stopped by Professor Romanoff's hand pushing me up against the wall choking me slightly. 

"You're in big trouble Y/n and you need punishing" She put a piece of paper in my hand "I want you at my place for seven not a minute later or your punishment will be worse" She said in a stern voice while handing me a piece of paper with her address on it. I knew my voice would fail me so I just nodded and left the room.

3rd person

You immediately rushed home after school and hoped in the shower and washed your hair and body then shaved all the necessary places. You dried yourself off and put on a short skirt with a white long sleeve top and a leather jacket to sit on your shoulders then finished it off with a simple gold chain.

Next was hair which you dried and then put some light waves in it so it sat at the middle of your back. You put some light makeup on followed by some perfume and shoes then headed out the door. 

Y/n's POV 

Romanoff's place was only five minutes away so I walked which I soon realised was a mistake because I was going to be late. 

I picked up my pace into a fast walk and I made it to the bottom of the driveway when I noticed how big the place was. 

I got to the front door by seven on the dot and I knocked then waited for the door to open. My mind was racing while thinking of what she would do to me. I was starting to think I should head back but I was knocked out of my thoughts when the door opened revealing my Professor stood in the doorway wearing a small smirk.

"Nice to see you make it on time Y/n, come in" 

I took my shoes and jacket off then followed her. She led me in through a hallway and in to an office with a desk in the middle of the wall opposite the door with a chair and huge windows next to the desk. "come take a seat" Miss Romanoff said sitting on the chair and patting her lap.

I awkwardly walked up to her and she gently grabbed my waist pulling me down. When I sat I felt something hit my clit making me gasp slightly and that's when I realised she was packing. "Okay so I want you to do this worksheet and then I'll check it."

"Yes Miss Romanoff" I said then grabbed the pen and started writing. 

"Call me Natasha darling... or mommy" She said whispering the last bit making me let out another gasp but this time I tried to cover it up.

I was working on the next problem on the sheet when I felt her hands slide up my body from my waist up to my tits then down again. I inhaled deeply trying my best not to let out a moan when her hands went under my skirt and started rubbing small circles on my clothed clit.

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