Night swimming

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I was in bed trying to get to sleep but I couldn't get to sleep my mind was racing and it wouldn't stop so I decided to get out of bed and I stripped and then I put a bikini on, it was red and it tied on the sides.

I went out to the pool on the roof and I turned up the temperature, it was very fancy we can all thank Tony for that.

When the water had heated up I dived in and started swimming to relax and get some thoughts out my head, that was until I heard someone close the door.

"Hey there" I heard her say I immediately turned around to see her. Natasha Romanoff. I loved this woman but she didn't know it, I got nervous when I saw her stood there so elegantly in her black bikini leaning against the door frame.

"H-hey Nat" She slowly walked over and got in the pool, she walked over to me and stood in front of me our faces were inches apart.

"You okay darling" I could feel butterflies inside my stomach.

"I-I'm fine thanks" She came closer somehow and tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

"Why are you nervous darling" She used her index finger and thumb to lift my chin to stare into her gaze.

"I-I erm-" then she smashed our lips together and I relaxed into her touch but then she pulled away.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that darling"

I pulled her in again by the back of her neck then I felt her tongue graze my bottom lip asking for permission, but I didn't want to give that to her. She grabbed my waist and I gasped so she took that opportunity to slip her tongue in my mouth and explore, she used her hands to grab my thighs and wrap them around her waist.

Nat pulled away from my face and then started leaving a trail of hickeys on my jaw to my neck, I let a small moan slip out of my moth as I held onto Nat's shoulders for support.

Nat walked over to the edge in the pool and sat me down and straddled me, she started sucking the valley of my breasts "mmm fuck that feels so good Natty" Nat grinned at the nickname and picked me up once again and walked back to her room.

While she was walking I leaned into her neck and I started sucking and biting at it till there was a red mark "shit Y/n don't stop."

I felt my back hit the wall as our lips locked once again Nat pushed herself into my legs as much as possible and I moaned at the feeling on my clit. She let out a small giggle and she put me down and pulled on the strings holding my bikini top on and it fell to the ground. Nat didn't hesitate to take one of my hardened nipples into her mouth and start swirling her tongue around it, I took a handful of hair and pushed her head closer to me "Please Nat" I whimpered.

"What do you want baby girl?" She stopped everything and looked into my eyes.

"I want you to fuck me" I looked into her eyes with desperation and lust, she picked me up and put me gently on her bed.

Nat went down between my legs and rubbed a slow circle over my clothed core and I squirmed under her touch "mmm please Mommy I need you" She stopped to look up at me.

"Patience baby girl" Nat went back down and pulled the ties on my bikini bottoms and pulled them off.

She looked up at me for permission and I nodded so she started teasing my entrance with one finger and slipped it in. I let out a long moan and she slipped in another finger and started pumping faster and faster. I felt a knot in my stomach form "mmm- s-shit Nat I-I'm gonna c-cum" she started pumping even faster

"Cum for me then baby girl" I instantly came all over her fingers and she let me ride out my high then pulled out of me.

She repositioned us so that our clits were touching and she both started grinding against each other. "oh fuck yes" she moaned out after about a minute I could tell she was close and so was I "Fuck Nat I'm gonna cum" She stuck her finger at my clit and started rubbing circles "Cum with me then baby girl" After another second we both came in sync "FUCK NAT" We both came down from our highs and flopped down on the bed out of breath.

As we lay there I snuggled into her side "I love you Y/n" she looked down at me at once again tucked some hair behind me ear "I love you too Nat" we both lay there till sleep consumed us after our long night.

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