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Request from blackcatsautum hope you enjoy :)

(warnings - mommy kink, oral sex)

Word count - 601

Y/n's POV

It had been a long and stressful couple of days with work and I had a solo mission that was exhausting both mentally and physically. I decided to take a long shower to unwind and relax from the difficult days.

I entered mine and my girlfriend, Natasha's, shared bathroom and I turned the water on and began stripping my clothes.

I stepped in the steamy shower and let the hot water cascade down my body, quickly feeling my muscles relax.

I put my head back letting my hair get wet when I felt two hands wrap around my waist and pull me towards them making me just slightly but then I heard the soothing voice of my amazing girlfriend. "Hi baby" Natasha whispered into my ear and pecking my neck a few times.

"Hey natty are you okay?" Natasha nodded against me before pulling me somehow closer to her now wet body. She began to kiss and nip at my neck gently while her hands began to wander around my body. She found me sweet spot quickly and began sucking it making me let out a small moan.

"Let mommy make you feel good baby" Nat said seductively and running her hand down to my core. I nodded quickly and she began to circle my clit with her thumb as I gasped at the contact. Her two fingers slid into my tight hole and my head fell back onto her shoulder with my mouth open letting out a silent moan.

"Fuck" I spoke quietly as her slender fingers moved in and out of my at a quick pace. My mind had long forgotten about the stress and I was quickly overwhelmed by pleasure.

Natasha began to curl her fingers while sliding her other hand down my body to rub my clit in small fast circles making me moan loudly. "N-Nat I'm gonna cum" I said panting as the coil in my belly tightened.

"Cum for me then detka" With Natasha's words and her fingers speeding up, the coil snapped and I released all over her fingers. I was panting heavily as Nat slowed her fingers down to bring me down from my orgasm.

Before I had time to think, Natasha turned me around and pushed me against the wall as I let out a gasp at the cold tiles on my back. "Think you can give mommy one more?" The red head said seductively to which I nodded at.

Natasha held my cheeks and pulled me in for a kiss which i immediately reciprocated. Eventually she began to kiss my neck and then make her way down my body till she was facing my dripping core. Natasha looked up at me for consent and I nodded eagerly so she wasted no time and dove in desperate need to make me feel good.

"Oh fuck that feels s-so good mommy" I whimpered when my leg was lifted over the Russians' shoulder.

Natasha was swirling her tongue around my clit before dipping it in and out of my hole. "Please" I moaned needing more to bring me to another orgasm.

Natasha brought her fingers to my clit to rub it quickly while her tongue also picked up speed thrusting into my pussy. "Oh shit I'm so close" 

In attempt to push me over the edge, one of Natasha's hands came up to grope my breasts and flick my hardened nipples between her fingers. "Fuck mommy"  With all her actions I came into her mouth with a loud cry.

"That's it baby, you're such a good girl for me" Natasha said to me as I came down from my high

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