The Fight

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Request by wandamommymof i hope it's okay :)

Nat's POV
Me and Y/n were arguing about the fact that I jumped in front of her when a bullet was coming her way while we were on a mission. None of us even got shot so I felt like she was really overreacting about the situation.

"YOU CANT JUST DO THINGS LIKE THAT NATASHA YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED" At this point I wasn't really listening I was just watching Y/n pace around the room. The way she ran her hands through her hair in frustration and how her leg muscles contracted every step she took. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice Y/n standing in front of me shouting my name, I shook my head slightly as I zoned back in "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME" I was still a bit dazed from all the shouting so I stoped her from shouting and grabbed my keys "I'm going for a drive I'll be back later" and with that I left our room and hoped in my car. Car rides were always a good stress reliever for me because I could put some music on and drive anywhere I wanted.

Y/n's POV
As soon as Natasha left I broke down in tears, I didn't mean to stress her out so much she felt the need to leave. I was so scared on the mission I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Natasha got hurt or even died.

I got my phone out to call my best friend Grayson because in a situation like this there was no way I could be alone for god knows how long.

In the mean time I text Natasha to ask when she would be home and if she was okay. I got no response so I sat and waited.

About ten minutes later Grayson came into my room and we sat and talked for about an hour till I realised Nat still wasn't home and I was getting worried. I grabbed my phone to attempt to call her but no response so I text her and called her a few more times but still nothing.

Another hour had passed and my and grey son were still talking and just catching up till the door handle turned and Natasha walked inside.

Grayson saw this and told me he would leave us to work stuff out. I nodded and hugged him goodbye after he gathered his stuff and left.

It was just me and Natasha now and the air was thick with tension. "I called you" I spoke to her blankly not holing any eye contact.

"I know" she said to me putting her keys away.

"So you chose to ignore me!?" I said raising my voice slightly "you can't just fucking leave and not tell me where you're going Natasha"

"DO YOU EVER SHUT THE FUCK UP" she said raking her hands trough her smooth scarlet hair.


Natasha remained silent but before I could say anything else she leaped onto me and pushed me down on our bed making me gasp. "I want you to shut up. The only thing I want to hear are your pretty little moans" I was hesitant since Natasha wasn't thinking straight but she pulled my shirt off followed by hers and said "let me make it up to you baby"

Still slightly annoyed I let her undress me and then herself as I watched. I grabbed her face and smashed our lips together in a hungry kiss, letting out all our frustrations. One of Natasha's hands slid up my body to grope at my breast while her other hand went down to rub my clit harshly making me shudder under her touch. "Fuck p-please Natasha" I moaned as I gripped the bedsheets underneath me.

Natasha's fingers suddenly came to a stop leaving me frustrated and dripping "beg" Natasha spoke in a low sultry voice as she looked down at me with an unreadable expression.

"Please Nat I want you so bad" I whined trying to shift my hips in search of some sort of friction but my hips were immediately pushed down.

"I guess you asked nicely" Natasha said before plunging two of her slender fingers inside my dripping core and pumping them at a rapid pace making me cry out in pleasure. "I'm gonna fuck all of that brattiness out of your mouth" Those words send a rush of arousal through body as I stopped myself from moaning by biting my lip extremely hard.

Natasha's fingers sped up making me come close to my release. "F-fuck Natasha I'm so close" My hips were grinding against her fingers and I was groping at my breasts for more pleasure.

"Come on baby, cum for me" Her words made me release on her fingers while my back arched of the mattress. My moans slowed into heavy breathing as I came down from my high.

All the vents from before came back to me and my anger towards Nat also came back. I flipped us over with my new rush of energy so that Natasha was below me. I sucked and nipped her neck leaving dark marks for her to see tomorrow, I made my way down her body leaving open mouth kisses over her nipples, down her torso and to her clit.

I began to make circles on Natasha's clit with my tongue while I slowly slid in two of my fingers and pumping them at a fast and steady pace. Natasha was moaning beneath me and I could tell she was already close to finishing. Her hips were shifting around and one of her hands came down and threaded into my hair holding me in place. "Please I need to cum baby"

I tapped Natasha's thigh as a signal to cum and she released all her juices for me as I slowly brought her down from her high. As soon as Natasha's breathing evened out I lay down next to her and put my head on her chest and holding her close to me. "I'm sorry about before I was scared." I said before turning my head to look into her green eyes "I can't loose you Natasha. I need you"

"I know baby I'm sorry as well I didn't mean to scare you" I nodded and pecked her lips gently before laying down again. "I love you baby" Natasha said stroking my hair gently.

"I love you more" I replied before I was lulled into a peaceful sleep in the arms of my love.

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