With ease

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Warnings - strap use, dom Y/n,

Y/n's POV
It was a quiet night at the compound after a party and the avengers were all sat down chatting and catching up since it had been a while since we were all together. All of a sudden I hear a loud voice from across the room "right guys let's liven things up with a game" Tony says holing up and empty bottle.

We were all gathered on couches playing spin the bottle. Sam volunteered to go first and we all watched it spin in anticipation to see who it would land on. The bottle ended up stopping pointing at Tony and they laughed and kissed each other on the lips and pulled away immediately.

Natasha turn was next and I was already not happy about playing but I would be beyond furious if it landed on someone who wasn't me.

Natasha was usually the dom in our relationship but every once in a while she lets me take over. She may not know but seeing other people flirt with her makes me beyond jealous.

The bottle spun around the smooth table. A tension built up in the room as it slowed down, I was praying it landed on me. Eventually it came to a stop pointing towards Steve. I was beyond furious but tried not to let it show. There was a series of 'Ooo's' as Steve stood up and walked over to Natasha. He leaned down towards her and pulled her in for a long kiss.

I couldn't sit and watch anymore so I abruptly stood up from my seat and excused myself "I'm feeling tired I'm going to bed" I said bluntly. I got a few confused looks but everyone wished me a goodnight as I left feeling as if steam would come out of my ears from my anger.

What I didn't realise was Natasha getting up and quietly following me upstairs but taking the elevator while I took the stairs so I wouldn't see her.

I entered our room to be met with her already there waiting for me. She walked up to me and pressed me against the door gently "What's wrong my love" she said while caressing my collar bone with her thumb.

It all came back into my head making my jealous again. I pushed myself off the door before slamming Nat against it "Did you see yourself down there! Why did you kiss him back" I said with all my frustrations building up inside me.

Natasha stared into my eyes as she thought of something to say that would get her out of trouble "I'm sorry babe it was just a game. Let me make it up to you" she says while running her hands up and down my waist. I grabbed her hands and pushed them above her head while pushing my lips against hers in a hungry kiss.

"You will make it up to me. You'll let me use you" I said quietly into Natasha's ear sending shivers down her spine. "Is that okay baby?" I questioned still needing her full consent. I got an eager nod in reply but that wasn't enough "words baby" I said sternly as I separated her legs with my knee.

"Mmm yes please use me" Natasha moaned her response so I took no time in turning her around to face the door while I pulled the zipper for her dress down agonisingly slow for her liking.

Natasha tried to shift her hips around in search of some sort of friction while I undressed her slowly but I held her hips firmly against the door "Stay still or you won't be getting anything from me baby"

Natasha now had no clothes on and I slowly began to take my blouse followed by my pants, choosing to leave my black lace lingerie on. I lifted Nat and her legs instinctively wrapped round my waist while I carried her to our bed.

I placed her down on it and pulled her in for a hard and sensual kiss. When I ran out of breath I detached myself from her lips and moved to Natasha's neck, sucking and nipping at her pulse point while she started to grind on my thigh. "I told you to stop that Natasha" I said holding her down once again.

Nat chose not to listen to me so I got off her swiftly and walked into our bathroom to get some toys to use on her.

I came back and Natasha was rubbing her clit while she moaned out my name telling me she was close. I walked to her putting the box of toys on the bed and pulled her hand away right before she released making her whine and stare at me with an unamused look. "You know you shouldn't have done that you little brat" I said firmly.

I picked up some handcuffs and tied her hands to the bed posts securely and then pulling out a small purple vibrator. I turned it on the lowest setting before spreading her legs and placing it gently on her clit making her groan slightly at the new friction. "Please" Natasha whined while I smiled down at her wriggling around for relief.

"Please what baby? You've gotta tell me what you want" I spoke while rubbing the purple toy up and down her folds and collecting her juices on it.

"Please I need you to fuck me" Natasha said looking at me with pleading eyes. I smiled wickedly down at her vulnerable state loving being in control.

"You'll wish you never said that baby because I'm going to fuck you till your begging me to stop" I said lowly before turning off the vibrator and picked her legs up and placing them over my shoulders.

Nat'a hips began to try move against my face but were stoped by my forceful grip on them. As soon as she stopped moving I dived in and began eating her out like it was my last meal. "Fuck Y/n that's f-feels so good" Natasha moaned.

I felt Natasha's walls clench on my tongue as she moans got louder and her hands gripped the cuffs tightly. "Can I please cum" the redhead whined. I nodded and moved my tongue deeper into her and she came for the fist time of many.

Time skip

About an hour later I was thrusting my strap into Natasha's tight red hole as she released on the fake dick for about the fifth time. I momentarily slowed my movements before thrusting again while simultaneously trailing my hand down from her breasts to torso and finally at her clit rubbing it in tight fast circles. "I can't anymore it's too much" Nat cried as tears started to form in her eyes and roll down her face. I used my thumb to wipe them away while i slowed my thrusts so that I could uncuff Natasha's hands.

I lay on the bed and pulled her on top of me so she could sink slowly onto the strap once again. Nat whined slightly due to her sensitivity while she started to grind her hips and bounce slightly on the strap as I guided her hips "Come on baby just one more" She nodded and began to move a little bit faster finding lots of pleasure in this new angle.

Natasha's movements were becoming more out of rhythm and faster as her release approached. To help her out I began rubbing her clit with my thumb and my other hand went to her waist to guide her slightly. "Fuck fuck duck fuck can I cum please" Natasha pleaded while one of her hands went up to grope and pull at her breasts.

"Go on baby cum for me" I said while Natasha released for the final time crying out my name before she slowed her rocking and stopped to catch her breath. "You okay baby?" I said rubbing circles on her hips with the pad of my thumbs. Natasha nodded still unable to speak due to a lack of oxygen. "Do you want a bath?" I said while pulling her up to take the strap out of her sensitive hole.

"Can we get one in the morning I want cuddles" Natasha said giving me her best puppy eyes that were just irresistible.

"Of course baby let me just clean you up with a towel okay?" Natasha nodded so I went to bathroom to get a wet washcloth and also discarding the strap to be cleaned tomorrow.

I came back and wiped Natasha carefully to try not hurt her and then I got an oversized T-shirt for her and slipped it on her.

I climbed in next to Natasha letting her cuddle into my side before she looked at me "I'm really sorry for kissing him Y/n"

"It's okay baby I just got a bit jealous I guess" She nodded and I pulled her in for a short kiss before exchanging'I love you's and snuggling up closer to each other before she both fell into a deep sleep.

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