I'm not mad

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warnings - use of safe word, spanking, mommy kink

Y/n's POV
I was waiting for Natasha to come home after work today. She had been having a very stressful week so I put on her favourite lingerie set of mine and lay on our bed waiting for her to come home.

About ten minutes later I heard the door open and slam closed again followed by shoes hitting the floor and Natasha putting her coat away.

After a short while Nat came upstairs and into our room while throwing her bag on the floor and letting out a low groan when she saw me spread out for her. "Hey there mommy, how was work?"

She took off her jacket and stalked towards me with a hungry look in her eyes. "Mommy hasn't had a good day today so you better be on your best behaviour you little slut." I nodded as Nat removed her clothes leaving her underwear on and she climbed onto the bed flipping me over so I lay on her lap while she took my panties off.

"Natasha what are you doing?" I asked. Natasha usually just fucked me till I couldn't think straight when she had a bad day but I guess she was in more of a punishing mood.

I felt a harsh slap on my ass leaving a stinging sensation "You know that's not my name slut" I apologised and put my head down as she spanked me multiple times till tears were streaming down my face.

In one swift movement I was thrown on the bed and Natasha was up and off to our closet. She came back with an unfamiliar strap attached to her waist but I didn't get time to ask before she thrusted the entire length into me before moving in and out at a quick pace. The strap was bigger than others we used before and all I could feel was pain "W-widow" I whimpered out with tears forming in my eyes.

I'm guessing Natasha didn't hear because she didn't stop or slow down at all "widow" I whimpered again slightly louder that the previous time. She still didn't stop and the pain was becoming unbearable at that point "Widow Nat! Widow"

Natasha immediately realised what she was doing and pulled out immediately "I'm so sorry baby I-I didn't mean to"

"Please just leave me alone" I cried quietly. Natasha nodded and quickly threw on some of her clothes from work.

"I'm sorry baby I'll be downstairs if you need me" Nat said while walking closer to me again.

"Nat" I warned and she realised what she was doing and left the room apologising again.

I lay on our bed as I heard her broken sobs from downstairs in the living room. I knew she would have blamed herself for what she did today.

Slowly I felt myself start to drift off slightly so I lay down and tried to relax.

About an hour or so later, Natasha came back upstairs to check on me. I was curled up in a ball on our bed in a light sleep still in my lace bra and nothing else.

I faintly heard Natasha sit next to me and stroke my hair gently. "My love are you awake, you need to get changed"

I groaned curling up tighter "But I'm too tired" I whined.

"I could do it for you if your still comfortable with that" Nat said nervously while biting the inside of her cheeks.

I rolled over and took her hand in mine "Natasha baby of course I'm still comfortable with that"

She nodded and got up to get some clothes which consisted of her hoodie and a pair of sleep shorts. "Sit up babe" she said to me then unclipping my bra and sliding it off my arms. She put the hoodie and shorts on me before changing into her own pyjamas and joining me in bed being the big spoon. "Does it hurt?" She said while tracing small shapes on my stomach.

"Just my private area. Was that a new strap?" I questioned while turning to face her.

"Yeah it was meant to be for our anniversary in a few weeks but I don't know what got into me today I'm sorry" Natasha said while nervously fiddling with my hoodie strings.

"Natasha it's okay you don't have to apologise just next time we use it I just need to adjust to the size of it" I said while holding her hand and rubbing her knuckles with my thumb.

Natasha nodded gently and placed a kiss on my lips. I buried my head in her neck and fell asleep in the comfort of her arms.

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