Eyes On Yourself

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Warnings - feeling insecure, strap on (reader receiving),orgasm denial

word count - 641

Natasha pounded into me with her thick strap making me let out a series of loud moans as I covered me face with my hands in embarrassment. 

Natasha slowly stopped her thrusts to take my hands away. "Don't do that baby I want to see your beautiful face" I had always been insecure especially when me and Nat had sex even though she was the person I felt most safe with I just couldn't help it. My eyes averted to look anywhere but hers till she gently grasped my chin and brought my eyes to meet her green orbs. "Let me show you how stunning you are baby" She said while helping me stand on my shaking legs and walking over to our standing mirror.

"Hold on baby" I did as I was told and grabbed on to the edges of the mirror while her strap slowly filled me again making my eyes roll back slightly. "Look at yourself detka, look how pretty you are" I met my own eyes in the mirror as the red heads pace got faster. 

As she went on it began harder to keep my eyes open especially when the strap hit my g spot and my eyes rolled to the back of my head and fluttered closed. "Eyes open princess or I'll stop" I nodded rapidly and looked at myself noticing how the strap was glistening with my juices, sending a wave of arousal through my body as I let out another particularly loud moan.

"You like that baby, you're so wet that it's dripping down you thighs" I looked down and noticed the wetness down mine and Natasha's thighs making me moan out again.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out as Natasha pulled my leg up against her hip so I could see the strap going in and out of my red pussy while also hitting a new angle. "I'm so close Natty" I moaned out as the russians' hand came down my body to pinch my hard nipples.

"You're so beautiful aren't you baby" Natasha said as I tried my hardest to not cum without her permission. "I want to hear you say it"

I shook my head while gripping onto the edges of the mirror tightly making my knuckles turn white " I c-can't" I whined out throwing my head back only for Natasha to guide it back down to face myself again. 

"You can do it baby, be a good girl for me" I moaned out with another flood of arousal sent to my core again. Her hand snaked round my waist to hold me up "Look at your pretty little face and tell yourself how gorgeous you are" 

I nodded and stared at myself trying to puzzle the words together in my pleasure filled mind "I-I'm so beautiful" I said with breathless moans between each word. 

"Such a good girl princess you can cum now" I immediately let go and threw my head back onto Nat's shoulder with a cry of her name. 

I rode out my high and Nat slowly pulled out of me making me whine due to my pussy being sensitive after about six orgasms. 

Natasha sat me on our bed and went to the bathroom to take the strap off and clean herself up before coming to me with a damp washcloth and wiping my pussy and thighs carefully. 

When she was finished she grabbed us both some underwear and we dressed and climbed into bed. "Thankyou" I whispered resting my head on her chest. 

"Anything for you my love I just want you to  know that I would never judge you. You are an amazing, kind and stunning woman." A single tear fell down my cheek before it was wiped away by Natasha's thumb.

"I love you so much I'm so grateful that I have you" 

"I love you so so much as well detka"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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