Stretch Marks

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(Summary - Y/n is insecure about her body while her and Natasha have sex)

Warnings- insecurities, fluffy smut, fingering 

Y/n's POV

Me and Nat were sat in our shared room watching a film. I didn't know this film had a few sex scenes in it and if I'm honest I felt a bit turned on by these but me and Nat had never done... it yet. Of course I wanted to but I was extremely self conscious of my body and I didn't want Natasha to think I was ugly.

I kept shifting in our bed trying to ease the ache between my legs but of course Nat picked up on this and she looked at me with a slight smirk on her face. "Are you okay there bubs?" I nodded and looked away as my face was surely bright red.

we went back to watching the film but shortly later another sex scene came on and I obviously was shifting again.   

The red head turned to me once again "Does this turn you on baby" Nat said with a growing smirk.

I looked away from her and mumbled a "Maybe" making her use her thumb and index finger to gently grab my chin to face her. "Well then I guess we should do something about that then hm?" 

I swear I froze when she said that. I really didn't want her to see me but before I could think anymore I was pushed down on the mattress and Natasha had straddled my waist. "Do you want to do this baby?" She said while grabbing my hand and drawing circles on it. 

"Well y-yeah I do it's just that I erm I-" 

"It's okay baby take your time I'm listening" She said while kissing my hand.

"I've never really been comfortable in my body and I have a lot of stretch marks" I said nervously while looking anywhere that wasn't Natasha. 

"Baby that's okay a body is a body and I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen" She said smiling down at me.

"I want to do it with you Natasha" I said to her as I looked into her calm green eyes.

"Okay but if you want me to stop just say stop"  I nodded and she got off me.

She took all her clothes off leaving just her underwear as she got back on me. I sat up and she pulled my top off followed by my leggings and panties. I slightly tried to cover myself but my hands were pulled off by the red-head on top of me. "You're beautiful baby don't cover yourself" 

I nodded and tried to relax a bit. Natasha leaned down to kiss me then she started to go down to my neck and made a stop at my breasts to suck my hardened nipples making me release small moans and whimpers. 

She continued down my body till she reached my dripping wet core that was aching for her touch. Slowly, Natasha kisses my inner things before attaching her mouth to my throbbing clit making me arch my back slightly in pleasure. 

She held my hand as her tongue began thrusting inside of my tight hole. 

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth to try and suppress any noise that would come out. 

Natasha let go with her mouth and slowly pushed two ringers inside of me as I grabbed the sheets turning my knuckles white. 

Her eyes met mine as she pulled my lip away to release a moan from me. "I want to hear your beautiful moans baby" She said while kissing my stomach. 

I moaned louder feeling my orgasm bubbling up inside of me. 

"That's it baby cum for me" 

I came on her fingers with a loud moan of Natasha's name. 

She slowed her fingers and eventually pulled out of me then slid the fingers in her mouth, tasting every bit of me she could get. 

Natasha let go of her fingers with a loud smack and pulled me in for a kiss letting me taste myself. 

She lay down next to me, pulling my head to her chest as she traced small shapes on my stomach and kissing my sweat glazed forehead.

Once the red-heads breathing settled she turned her head to me and said "I'm proud of you baby. Sleep for now we will get a shower in the morning" 

I nodded and nuzzled my head into her chest "I love you so much" 

"I love you too baby" The russian said back to me as I closed my eyes and drifting of into a deep sleep. 

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