Previously on Chapter 5
I smirk to myself. Looks like Gen's brave enough to betray Hyoga. That guy... have a nerve. Betraying the Tsukasa's empire. All of that, just for a bottle of cola. I wonder how Tsukasa will react upon finding out about this.
-Burning Village-
I notice something lighting up. I turn my head and my eyes widened. The village is burning. There's fire everywhere. Only one person I know can sneak in without notice. Hyoga's right hand woman, Homura.
Staring at the fire, brings back the bad memories in my past.
"Mom! Dad!! I'm scared..." I cried out, hunching over as fire surrounded me. My whole body was trembling in fear. My dad came towards me and took me out of the house.
He placed me on the ground. That's when I heard gunshots. I hunched on the ground and covers my ears in fear. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall.
End of Flashback
I shake my head, trying to dismiss the thought. All those people... all those kids. Some of them are about my age when that incident happened. All of them starts running around in panic.
A kid tripped and fall on the ground. A wood that is on fire starts falling. I lift my hand and focus on the kid, using my telekinetic ability.
The kid floats mid-air and I quickly move him out of the way. He looks confused, along with the other kids. I gently lower him down on the ground. I let out a sigh of relief, when the kid is out of harms way.
'Wait... why did I do that? Why do I even care about what happen to those people?' I thought to myself. I shake my head. I guess... deep down I still have the feelings of empathy.
The villagers runs towards the science shed. I jump through the tree and settled down. I watch in silent as they start to guard around. Hyoga and his men are watching them.
Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see a kid with a watermelon rind. Hyoga's men notices her and start chasing after her. Seems like they're trying to get a hostage, so they'll be able to win the battle. What a dirty trick.
I jump through trees and trees, trying to see if they manage to capture the kid. Homura is with Hyoga. I can feel something is wrong with the air. Poison gas.
Senku came to the kid's rescue, along with a blond girl. The girl grabs the kid and jumps into a tree. She seem to be placing a mask on the girl's nose and mouth.
Wait, a gas mask? In the stone world?? Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. I mean, it's Senku... that man probably have an unlimited ideas inside his mind. He leave with the kid and the girl, leaving Hyoga, Homura and the men stuck on a tree.
Hyoga hits the men's on their face. As soon as they landed on the ground, they died. I clench my hands into tight fists. That man... I can't believe he would sacrifice those men. He's like those selfish people.
After a while, the air finally cleared out. Homura and Hyoga finally able to leave that hill. I stand up from my sitting position and jumps through tree. I land on top of a tree as Homura and Hyoga walks under me.
"What a dirty man you are. Hyoga..." I said. He turn his head and looks at me. "Stay out of my business, Y/N... or I'll consider you as an enemy" he said. I just let out a chuckle at what he said, crossing my arms across my chest. "Oh yeah? I'm sure we both know... that I'm way stronger than you" I said. He clicks his tongue at what I said.
"I'll go back to Tsukasa and do my part of the report. You handle the reporting about Senku being alive... and if you're lucky. I might not report of your trick. But I will if you dare say anything about me" I said, glaring at him. He stays silent at what I said.
In his mind, I can hear that he's not going to say a thing. I smirk triumphantly to myself. I turn my body and starts jumping from tree to tree, making my way towards Tsukasa's empire.
I make my way inside the cave. Tsukasa looks up as he notices me. "I observed them as you instructed me to. Hyoga and his men lost the fight with the people from the village" I said. He nods his head at what I said.
"What about the village? Anything advance among them?" He asked. "From what I see, they do have some of knowledges. But since I don't know anyone from that village, I don't know if any of them are this Senku guy you're talking about. So I'm not sure if they learned it themselves... or it's from Senku..." I said. He just nods his head.
"Thank you for the info, Y/N. Where's Hyoga?" He asked. "Probably still on his way here... I got ahead of him since I'm a lot faster..." I said. He just nods his head at what I said.
I move to take a seat next to Ukyo. "I'm glad you're okay, Y/N..." he said. I just smile at him. I turn to look at the bracelet in his hand. "Why didn't you use it?" I whispered. He place his hand on top of it and smiles at me.
"I've been busy. I'm sorry, Y/N..." he said. I can tell that he isn't lying. So I just nod my head. I lean my back against the rock wall. I turn my head to see Hyoga walking inside the cave.
I notice he turn his gaze at me. I just give him a small smirk. "All of Gen-Kun's reports were lies. The village already has considerable scientific power. And, Senku is alive..." he said. Tsukasa's eyes turns dark at the revelation.
By the way his eyes looks right now, along with his mind. Looks like it's officially the beginning of the war between the Kingdom of Science and Tsukasa's Empire. I hear a shaky breath next to me. I turn my head to look at Ukyo, to see a worried face.
I know he didn't want to be involved in a war like this. He's a guy with a gentle heart. He's even upset when Tsukasa destroys a statue, even thought they are inanimate object. They're still people.
I reach over and place my hand on top of his. He turns to look at me. It'll be alright... I said, through my mind. His eyes widened slightly, but he smiles and nods his head.
Thank you, Y/N... he said. I smile softly at him and turn to look at Tsukasa. He's talking about the plan. As soon as the snow melts, it'll be the day we launch an attack. So the deadline will be spring.
*to be continued*

One Of A Kind (Saionji Ukyo X Reader)
FanfictionL/N Y/N. She have a remarkable sharp sight and speed, paired with an excellent martial arts skill makes her have the traits of the best fighter. She's also a girl who hates science with a burning passion, and it's all due to her bad past. But that'...