Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37

"You may be a freak. But you're my freak" he said, while leaning his forehead against mine. I just smile at what he said. He leans down, closing the gap between our lips as he kisses me softly. I close my eyes and kiss him back. I feel so happy to have someone like him in my life. He's truly everything to me.

-We Need A Cook-


It's already the time when we can harvest the crops of wheat. With it, we can create various kinds of food. We have to think of what kind of food we should bring with us for the expedition across the ocean.

I outstretched my hands, various of scythes floats. "Stay clear everyone. I don't want to ended up hurting you" I said, turning my head to look at the people who wanted to watch my action. After I make sure no one is standing in the way. I flick my hands, sending the scythes forward and cuts them all up simultaneously.

"There..." I said, turning to look at the others. They all claps their hands, making me let out a nervous laugh. I'm never a big fan of audience. But I don't want to act rude by asking them not to watch. So, guess I just have to endure these attentions.

Ukyo walks over to me, still clapping his hands. "I've witnessed your abilities over and over. But it never cease to amaze me" he said, crossing his arms once he stands in front of me. I just smile shyly at him. I feel my cheeks growing warm. He let out a soft chuckle at my reaction. "You really are one of a kind. And I'm glad that you're mine" he said.

"Stop..." I said, covering my face with my hands. I feel hands on my wrists, gently pulling my hand away from my face. I stare at his green eyes with a red cheeks. He smiles softly at me. He leans closer to my face. My eyes widen when I realize he's trying to kiss me. I place my hand over his lips to stop his action. "There are others around, dummy" I said. He rolled his eyes at my words. I yelped when he licks my palm, making me remove my hand from his lips.

"Eww!!! That's so gross!" I said. He just laughs at my reaction. I wipe my palm on his shirt. "Why'd you do that??" I said, glaring at him. He just shrugs in response. I huffed at him and turn around, stomping away with a sulky manner.

"Hey, come on! Come on. Don't tell me you're mad at me. Hey... Y/N!! Love, come on!" He said. I hear his footsteps chasing after me as I continue to walk away from him. But I just keep on walking without turning back. I feel his arms wrapping around my waist to stop me from walking away. I huffed as he places his chin on my shoulder. "Don't be mad..." he whispered.

"I'm not. Just... flustered" I said. He gently turn me to face him. I stare at him still with red cheeks. He smiles softly at me. He slowly lift his hands, gently cupping my cheeks.

"You don't have to be so flustered. It's a normal thing for couples like us..." he said. He gently places his forehead against mine. I close my eyes as he gently caress my cheeks with the pad of his thumbs. "But if it makes you uncomfortable, then I won't attempt to kiss you in front of the others" he said.

"I'm sorry, Ukyo. I know you want us to show our love to everyone. But, this is my first ever relationship. I'm not used to it. I've spend years in a lab where they all treated me so poorly" I said. He stares at me with a sad gaze. He's the one who understands me the most since I've shown him my vulnerable side when I told him my past. I hug my body as I turn my gaze away. "So, to have someone that treasures so much me like you, makes me feel slightly... overwhelmed and confused" I said.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Y/N. I understand your situation..." he said. I turn my head to look at him, and give him a small smile. He opens his arms. I move my arms from my body and steps closer to him. I wrap my arms around his torso, burying my face into the his neck. "I love you, Y/N..." he whispered.

"I love you too, Ukyo..." I said. I move my head from his neck to look at him. He lift his hand, gently pushing the strands of hair behind my ear. I lean closer to his face as he did the same. I close my eyes, as we closed the gap between our lips.


Senku tries to bake some bread. He told us not to expect too much because he's not much of a baker. Not that I do anyway. The only thing he's good at is science. Physical activity? He's suck at that. Much less cooking. Sure, he knows how they're made. But, if you actually make him cook. It's most likely ended up being a huge disaster.

Well, I was right. The bread he made is all black and burned. I just let out a nervous chuckle as I stare at the failed product. Although everyone else that came from this Stone Age seems to enjoy them. I mean, that's to be expected because they haven't tasted the real bread.

"Yeah... not happening. I refuse to let this be our food during the expedition across the ocean" I said, tossing the bread over my shoulder. I cross my arms across my chest as I stare at Senku with a cold gaze. "So, you better have a plan to fix this situation, science boy" I said. He let out a chuckle at my comment. Ryusui also agrees with my statement.

"WE NEED A COOK!!!" He yelled out. I cover my ears and closes my eyes. I turn my head to look at him with a glare because he nearly pop my eardrums with his loud voice. He's right though. We do need a real cook if we want to survive being out in the ocean for who knows how long. But the problem is, we don't have the revival fluid to bring someone back from petrification. Well, that is until Ryusui mention there's someone who definitely hide some... Minami.


It took a lot of convincing and promise. But Minami finally agrees to use the last remaining revival fluid. I'm glad that she agreed, or I would have used force on her. Which I'd rather not.

I hear footsteps coming closer towards us. I turn my head to see a woman with curly blond hair walking past behind me. I hear a thud and turn my head to see Gen on the ground, whining about having to walk two days straight without rest. I let out a nervous laugh at the state he's in.

"I'm Francois..." the girl said, introducing herself. Her hand over her stomach as she bows at us. She has a glint of mischief in her eyes. But they still hold a sense of kindness in them. So, this is the cook Ryusui mentioned earlier.

Hopefully, she's the real deal. So we can finally have some decent meals, and not that burnt bread. No way in hell I'm consuming those. Whether this Francois is the real deal or not, all we can do is wait and see.

*to be continued*

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