L/N Y/N. She have a remarkable sharp sight and speed, paired with an excellent martial arts skill makes her have the traits of the best fighter. She's also a girl who hates science with a burning passion, and it's all due to her bad past.
But that'...
So, looks like we're going to build a ship. Knowing Senku, it's going to be an actual cruising ship. He's always one to make something grand and extreme. That's the type of man Senku is. So I wouldn't be so surprise. But I'm pretty excited to go across the sea. This is going to be fun!
-We Need A Captain-
Gen suggested that we need to create a competition, have them try to design what the ship would look like. He said it's better to have them work on what they think they've chosen, rather than make them work.
So here we are, watching as Magma, Yo and Senku show them the designs they've came up with. I stand next to Ukyo as I watch them. My hand is being held by Ukyo.
Magma is the first one to present his design. I can see Yo mocking him. Magma just ignores his word and paste his sketch on the wall.
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I let out a laugh when Yo's eyes practically bulge out of his socket. "That's why you shouldn't make fun of them, Yo..." I said. He turns to look at me. "I..." he trailed off. I just roll my eyes.
"Alright... let's see what you have then, shall we?" I asked. He starts to visibly panicked at what I said. "I uhh... I left it at home" he said. I scoff at what he said. I turn my head slightly and notice something being covered. I flick my hand and the cover flies off.
I shake my head as his cheeks turns beet red from embarrassment. "You mean that? And you call these people simpleton" I said. I let out a laugh at a sloppy looking raft.
Senku walks forward and unrolls his drawing. My eyes widened at how intricate and detail his design are.
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Yo and Magma's eyes widened at the design as well. Everyone instantly voted for Senku's design. So his design will be the one we will be making. I just clap my hand, too shock to speak.
I place my hand on my head as I start to feel a little dizzy. Ukyo quickly wraps his arm around me, so I don't fall over. "Woah, Y/N. Are you okay?" He said. I just nod my head.
"It's time for me to take another shot of the serum..." I said. He nods his head. He turns to look at where Senku is standing.
"Senku!" He called out. The scientist turns to look at us and nods his head when he notices my state. Ukyo places his hands behind my knees and on my back. He gently scoops me up in his arm as we make our way to Senku's tent.
Ukyo gently lowers me down on the ground, letting me lean on his body. Senku kneels down next to me, holding a syringe in his hand. I tilt my head slightly, allowing him to inject the serum to my neck. I wince a little as it stings. Ukyo caress the back of my hair to calm me.
Senku pulls the needle out of my neck, and nods his head. "Okay... you're done. We're going to have to prepare lots of these before we set sail. Who knows how long we'll be out in the ocean. Without these, your condition would get worse... and obviously you will have to join the expedition too, otherwise no one would be able to make the serum for you. We also need to gather more material for this serum, in case we need to make some while we're out there" Senku said. I just nod my head in agreement. I can feel my body getting energized after a few seconds.
Ukyo stands up and offers his hand to me. I gently place my hand on top of his. He pulls me up to my feet. I smile softly at him. I turn to look at Senku and smiles softly.
"Thanks, Senku..." I said. He nods his head. "Yeah, yeah. You don't need to thank me every time..." he said, shrugging his shoulders at what I said. I just let out a soft giggle at what he said. Senku might looked and acted cold most of the time, but deep down... he cares for those around him. He's never the type to leave his friends behind.
Senku, Nikki, Kohaku, Minami, Magma and Taiju are all going to search for someone who's potential to be a captain to revive. Which leaves Ukyo, me and Chrome as the ones in charge with the others as we wait for them to come back.
I just stand over a higher ground as I watch them make the skeleton of the ship. Everyone seems to be working hard to get the ship done. I can tell they're all excited to finally be able to set sail.
I can hear footsteps behind me. "Hey, Ukyo..." I said. I can hear a soft chuckle coming from him. "Wow... your senses are getting sharper" he said. I let out a soft giggle as I turn to look at him.
"The serum Senku made for me, it's not only to help with the pain... it also strengthen me, allowing me to use my powers at full strength..." I said. He let out a soft hum. "So... that means you're a lot stronger than before?" He said. I smile and nod my head.
"Wow, Y/N. I can't imagine you being stronger than that" he said. I let out a laugh as I notice a nervous expression on his face. I turn to look at him. "What's the matter, Ukyo? Are you scared that I might hurt you?" I said. He shakes his head. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. He gently nudge my nose with his. I blush at the sudden gesture.
"No... I know you wouldn't hurt me" he said. I just smile softly and lean my forehead against his. "Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't imagine it" I said. He smiles softly and leans down to place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, kissing him back softly.
"I wonder what kind of person they chose to be our captain... they should be back by now" I said, after we pull away. He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't really care who it's going to be... just as long as he won't be so nosy..." he said. I hum softly and nod my head in agreement.
I hear a loud laughter booming. I turn my head to the sound to see a blond guy, wearing a pirate like outfit. I'm guessing that's the captain Senku picked to lead our ocean expedition. One look at the guy... I can already tell he's going to be nosy.
I click my tongue in annoyance as the new guy starts claiming everything as his. I turn to look at Ukyo, to see a look of displeasure on his face. He also thinks the same. I let out a sigh.
"So much for hoping to not have a nosy captain" I said. Ukyo wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Uh Huh... tell me about it" he said, sounding just as annoyed as I am.
I cross my arms across my chest, eyeing the new guy in annoyance. "Well, let's hope he didn't get on my nerve too much. Otherwise, Senku would have to find another captain" I said. Ukyo let out a nervous chuckle at what I said.
He place his hand on my head, gently caress my hair. He's trying to ease my nerve. I let out a sigh and just relaxes in his arm, placing my head on his shoulder.