Chapter 39

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Previously on Chapter 38

Hopefully, she's the real deal. So we can finally have some decent meals, and not that burnt bread. No way in hell I'm consuming those. Whether this Francois is the real deal or not, all we can do is wait and see.

-A Good Progress-


I watch as the new comer gagged at the sight of burnt bread. She looks extremely repulsed by the sight of the blackened bread. I mean I don't blame her. That's also my reaction.

She starts asking some questions before finally setting her mind on a bread called Stollen. I've never had that kind of bread before. So I don't know what to expect. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out the taste. With that decided, we begin to work.

The milk we use came from the goats. I help out in the process of flour making and kneading the dough. I flinch when a stick is hitting on my hand. I turn my head to see it's Francois. She's scolding me on the way I kneaded the dough. I feel myself getting ticked off but try my best to control it.

I stand next to Ukyo as I watch Francois tending to the baking bread. I place a hand on my hip while watching her movements. I take a deep breath inhaling the scent. I almost drool at the scent. It's scrumptious.

Ukyo chuckle at my reaction. I turn my head to look at him. I turn my head away after, trying to hide the fact that my cheeks are getting redder. I feel his hand gently slipping in mine.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, you know? Just take a look around you. Everyone has the same reactions" he said. I look around as he asked me to and soon enough, I saw everyone with the same reaction as me. I just give him a soft smile as he continues to hold my hand. I turn my head as I watch Francois pulls out the freshly baked Stollen bread.

We walk forward and grabs a slice. I lift it closer to my mouth and take a bite. I close my eyes as I try to savor the flavor. My eyes widen as I smile happily. This tastes SO good! I guess Francois is the real deal. She's a really good cook!

"Wahh... it's been a while since I've had any decent food" I said. I turn my head to look at Ukyo to see him having teary eyed. "It makes me in tears" I said. He turn to me and nod his head.

"Me too..." he said. I turn to look at him and giggle. I lift my hand, gently wiping away the bread crumps that sticks on the corner of his lips. He grabs my finger and licks it. I feel my cheek going warm at his bold action. I didn't expect him to do something like that, and not to mention... there are other people around us.

I look around and feel relieved when no one saw that. I turn to look at Ukyo. I pinch his side lightly, making him let out a yelp at my action. "Don't do that, idiot! There's a lot people around us right now" I said. He just let out a soft laugh at what I said. He gently rub his side that I had pinched.

"It's not like this is anything new to them, love. They all know that we're a couple, so?" He said. I glare at him in a playful manner. Yet, he still flinched at my reaction. I cover my mouth as I let out a soft giggle. I lean over and gently places a soft kiss on his cheek. He blinks his eyes at my action and smiles softly at me.

"Why'd you flinch? Do you really think I was going to hurt you?" I asked. He let out a laugh at what I said. He gently wraps an arm around my shoulder, gently pulling me closer to his side. He tenderly pressed his lips on the side of my head, making me smile at his loving gesture.

"Of course not. I know you're not going to hurt me" he said. I just smile at what he said. He lift his hand from my shoulder, placing it on my head. I smile softly at his loving gesture. I snuggle closer to his side.

"Awe... you two make me feel so single" someone said. I turn my head to see it's Kohaku. I let out a laugh at what she said. Ukyo only pulls me closer to his side. I turn to look at him and smiles. He smiles softly at me, and gently place a kiss on the side of my head.

"Your nose is bleeding again..." Ukyo stated as his face expression turns from smiling to frowning. He slowly lift his hand and gently wipe the blood away. I feel my knees buckled. "Woah... are you okay??" He asked, as he wraps his arms tightly around me to keep me steady.

He picks me up and head for the tent. He gently lays me down on the makeshift bed and kneels next to me. His hand finds mine as he hold it on his lap. "Oh, Y/N. Why does this keeps on happening to you?" He asked, in a sad tone as he stares at me with a desperate look. "I hate it so much to see you in this state. I just hate it to see you in pain" he said. I lift my free hand and gently cup his cheek. I wipe away the tears that slips out of his eyes.

"It can't be helped" I muttered in a soft voice. He turned his head a little to place a lingering kiss on the palm of my hand. "After all, I wasn't born naturally. I'm not conceived and carried in a mother's womb. I was born through experiments..." I said. I feel Ukyo's grip on mine tightening a little. I smile sadly at him as I caress his cheek with the pad of my thumb. "I'm just a freak. Makes me wonder why you'd love someone like me..." he said.

"No... you're not a freak!" He argued. His voice came out a bit high. I flinched at his sudden outburst as I stare at him wide-eyed. "You're anything but a freak. You may be different from the rest of us, but that doesn't make you a freak!  You are still you. You're my world, Y/N. My everything..." he said. He leans down and gently rest his forehead against mine. "So don't ever say that again, okay?" He said. His voice cracks a little as he stare at me in sadness.

"Okay... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset..." I said. He lay down next to me and gently pulls me to his side. I rest my head against his chest. "I love you, Ukyo" I said.

"I love you too, Y/N..." he whispered in a soft voice as he hugs me close. "Just rest, okay? I'll be here when you wake up..." he said. His hand went up to my head as he starts to caress my hair gently. I close my eyes as I slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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