Chapter 15

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Colin had sent a personal letter to each finalist early on in Lucas's hospitalization, apologizing for the distressing and abrupt ending to the evening. He also announced that the scanner would be going to Netherford University, citing the tremendous data contributions Netherford had provided over the years and the dedicated staff already prepared to start clinical trials forthwith. However, everyone knew it was payback for saving a family member's life. No one dared question it. Not even Jane herself.

Now that Lucas was out of the woods and on the mend in rehab, Jane invited Colin, George, and Darcie to tour the facility where their scanner would be housed and to meet all the members of the clinical team that worked hard to gather the data and develop the protocols. It was more than just her efforts alone. She was only one cog in a multi-discipline wheel.

Jane arrived in the hospital lobby to find George already there. He had been anxiously watching for her and in a gentlemanly manner, immediately stood up as she walked in. He flashed her with his big dimpled smile. He was so strikingly handsome with that perfectly tousled jet black hair and in another impeccably fitted suit. She could feel many envious eyes looking incredulously at her as he kissed her on both cheeks in greeting, saying in that irresistible British accent, "I'm so happy to see you. You are looking well!" It was very empowering, and she felt that she had scored one for all the awkward girls out there.

With a bright blush on her cheeks, she tried to act as if it was the most natural thing in the world to have the attention of such an attractive man. "You're here early!"

"I wanted to thank you for introducing me to the docs at Boston Performance. I had a fantastic meeting with your friend, Benny. We just hit it off. Their clients are high performance athletes also, and they absolutely want me to do a sabbatical with them, hinting that if I am inclined to practice in the U.S., they would support me in getting my U.S. license! This is just a mind-blowing opportunity, Jane. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your coming up with this idea and for your good word to them. I was completely convinced that my career was over before it even got started. But mostly, thank you for not judging me."

Jane was so pleased. "George, I can only say that what I've gotten to know about you this past month is that you have a good heart. And that perhaps the punishment doesn't fit the crime?"

George was all smiles and lifted her up in a great big bear hug just at the moment that Colin and Darcie walked into the lobby. They both stopped in their tracks at the sight.

Darcie simply mumbled, "Finally. A girlfriend that I actually approve of!"

Colin remained stonily silent. He knew that George and Jane were becoming fast friends, and he had mentally accepted it. So, why did it sting so much seeing them in this embrace?

During the tour, Colin could not focus on anything other than this escalating irritation brewing inside him every time he observed Jane and George laughing and giving each other knowing glances about some private shared joke. He barely made it through the luncheon without having punched George in the face. He wanted nothing more than to take him down in a good wrestling move and plant his face in the mat.

Back at the hotel, Colin verbally lit into George. "George, I need not remind you to behave yourself around Dr. Bennett. She is in charge of evaluating our scanner."

"And what are you trying to say, Colin?" Now it was George's turn to bristle.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"No. No, I really don't. Why don't you spell it out for me?"

Colin accentuated each word, "Multi. Million. Dollar. Lawsuits!"

"That's not fair, and you know it!"

"What are your intentions towards her? She is not the kind of girl that you toy around with. She will get hurt far worse than any of the other girls you've flirted with."

At those words George became a bit suspicious. "Are you worried about your money or are you actually worried about her?"


George continued on his deductive path, "Hmm, is it that you fancy Jane yourself?"

By now, Colin had recovered. "Don't be a knob. I highly regard her intellect and the work that she has done for LD. There's too much at stake. If you are serious about her, then I have no problems with you pursuing her. But if you are not, then don't lead her on. It will only end in difficulties for all of us."

That answer seemed to satisfy George. Jane wasn't really Colin's type. "I do like Jane a lot. We get along smashingly, and I respect that she has a mind of her own. She is not as fragile as you think, Colin. I think she can handle me just fine."

Colin only gave a big sigh and an even bigger eye roll.

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