song:  good boy gone bad   – txt

1|  demeanour 

"hyung, I really can walk back home after my class." 

"yah kim sunoo, your class ends much earlier than mine and i have a initiation party i have to attend. i can't drive my car back home." jay chucked the keys to the car into sunoo's palms. 

the foyer of the faculty of liberal arts at Seoul National University was bustling with students. the appearance of sunoo and jay got people whispering and murmuring, or maybe the fact that they both had incredible style. 

jay was wearing a white button with a black vest on top while sunoo had some loose dress pants and a fitted long sleeve turtleneck worn. jay's blond hair and sunoo's shiny metal studs contrasted by his black hair got people's eyes on the two as they talked on the front foyer. 

"let me go jay~" sunoo whined as jay held him in a chokehold. 

"don't cause chaos on the first day kim sunoo." 

"okay, okay. fine I won't so let me go now!" sunoo hit jay's forearms. 

"don't miss me too much," jay chuckled as he let go of sunoo. 

"i'll text you later." sunoo smiled before he walked into the fashion design building while jay headed off to the faculty of business. 

the air shifted and things seemed to become ice-cold. sunoo's smile dropped and his fox-eyes were sharp, calculative and downright intimidating. not to forget how sunoo's broad shoulders and above average height added so much to his presence, people just moved out of his way creating a path in the middle. 

"right, let's welcome kim sunoo, he's been taking online classes for the first two weeks since there was a mix-up and now he's here to join us." the professor gestured for sunoo to introduce himself too. 

"hello, i'm kim sunoo." sunoo's deep voice rumbled. 

"take a seat anywhere. welcome to the fashion design department sunoo-ssi." the professor chuckled trying to lighten up the mood. 

sunoo decided to sit at the front of the lecture theatre where almost nobody opted to sit. 

"alright, let's begin shall we? today....." 

some of the students who had witnessed sunoo and jay interaction at the foyer of the liberal arts faculty were quite shocked at how sunoo's demeanour switched. his tone, his smiles all seemed to have just become non-existent the moment jay left. 

sunoo sighed as he took out his notebook and started sketching designs according to the theme the professor had mentioned. he could feel the stares and whispers directed at his back. it was suffocating and annoying. 

can't people just mind their own business? 

"this assignment is due at the end of the week and if you want to use the equipment, the doors to the practical room are always open." yhe professor packed up his things and left the lecture hall. 

sunoo was elated that the theory lesson was over. don't get him wrong, he loved his major but he knew the theory covered for most of the upcoming first semester's lessons. jay's mother is a creative director of a major fashion brand and he picked up a thing or two from his high school electives too. 

"hello, i'm yang jungwon. nice to meet you!" a boy with obnoxiously bright red hair stuck out his palm for a handshake. 

sunoo looked at his outstretched hand and back up to his face with a blank stare which didn't faze jungwon at all. jungwon forcibly took it upon himself to shake sunoo's hand before letting it go. 

"you seem to not have any friends here yet. can i be yours then?" jungwon beamed. 

"no." sunoo muttered. 

"it's okay, baby steps. i got one word out of you, that's a victory in my book." jungwon babbled. 

sunoo was already tired looking at how much energy jungwon has. he seemed so innocent. 

he looks like me when i was fifteen. 

"anyways, there's an initiation party tonight more like a gathering but still you should come since you missed orientation. it's at the bar down the street. see you whenever the next time we have a class together!" 

"i'm not going–" 

"just think about it, will you!" jungwon waved before walking out. 

jay wasn't going to be at their shared apartment anyways so sunoo knew he was going to be bored. 

guess sunoo was going to the party after all.  



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