chapter two

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Despite having a duffle bag for all of my cheer belongings, I'm quick to have my uniform laying on Kandi's bed next to it while I put my pajamas on. Kandi has already thrown her uniform in her laundry basket, and her bow is placed on her vanity.

I try to pry the bow from my head, eventually succeeding. Soon after, I fold my uniform before putting it in my duffle bag near my shoes. My stomach starts to growl, and embarrassed, I place my hand over it.

"Do you think Zane left any of your mom's cupcakes?" I ask, glancing back to Kandi before tossing my bag into the corner. Kandi tries to strip the braids from her ponytail, focusing more on the top of her head than my question.

"He might have. Mom is concerned about how many he consumes," she mumbles, placing a bobby pin down in front of her. "If there's any left, you should bring me one."

With a slight sigh, I nod my head and trot down the stairs to the kitchen. I wander around for a moment, looking aimlessly for where Zianna may have hid them. Eventually I spot them, but trying to be quiet while lifting a heavy cake lid may be my downfall.

Hands cover mine, and I nearly jump backwards and drop the lid on the floor. My back collides with a hard chest, glancing up sheepishly to see who I've connected with. If it was Garte, I'd want to curl up in a hole and never come out.

There's a soft exhale that leaves my lips when I see it's Garroth, blushing when I look back down at the cake stand harboring the cupcakes. My pulse quickens, and there's an uneasy feeling taking over my stomach. His hands are incredibly warm, and they make mine look like a child's

"I was doing fine on my own," I tell him, slipping my hands away from the glass.

Garroth looks at me for a moment, amused, before placing the lid on the counter beside them. He leans against the cabinet, unwrapping a cupcake and taking a bite from it. "Your arms looked like they were shaking," he muses, tossing the wrapper onto the countertop.

"I was trying to be quiet."

The lighting surrounding us is dim, barely shining. My eyes linger on Garroth, noticing how his eyes glittered in the light, or how there was a strong clean scent radiating off of him. He definitely just showered. The bathroom was warm, and the mirror was foggy. His hair is wet and unstyled. I like seeing it unkempt.

Garroth appears to notice of my stare, a single corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk. I retreat, reaching for two cupcakes, placing one on the counter before closing the stand off with the lid.

I break my gaze from Garroth and onto the cupcake instead, unwrapping it before making it into its own sandwich.

Garroth laughs at this. "You're cute."

I look up, shocked, nearly forgetting about the cupcake in my hand. "What?" I ask, wanting to make sure I'm correctly comprehending what Garroth was saying.

"That's cute," Garroth says, changing his words.

I nod my head, playing it off as though I hadn't heard it the first time.


"He called me cute," I state, staring off into the mass of people running through the route. I've lready spotted Laurance, and he was far beyond earshot by this point. There was no concern about whether Laurance could hear us by this point.

"Are you sure he said you're cute?"

I cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at Kandi. "I think I can understand a simple two worded sentences such as that. He called me cute, Kandi. I don't know how to take that."

"Take it as a compliment. I told you he liked you."

I can't help but to twirl the ring on my finger around.. I feel anxious, and I don't understand how Kandi appears to be so collected despite this newly learned information. We decide to walk forward, bundled up in sweatshirts to fight back against the cold.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he asks you to homecoming, but I think Vylad is going to beat him to the finish line."

Homecoming is mid-October that year, and I've already bought my dress. It's hanging in the back of my closet, careful to prevent wrinkles from forming. I'm excited, though I've definitely chosen a dress like every other teenager. It hugs my frame, and while I didn't go incredibly short, it's still short enough where I can't get in trouble. 

"Why would Vylad ask me?"

Kandi stops in her place, reaching into her purse for her chapstick. She stares at me for a moment.

"He's your best friend," Kandi says. "He doesn't want you to go alone."

I nod, waiting for Kandi to start up walking again. The leaves crunch under our feet with each step we take.

I can't help but to break the silence. "I wish someone would do it soon, or I will be going alone."

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