chapter twenty five

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Garroth's relationship didn't last very long after that dance. Little was heard about the relationship despite what Garroth spoke of or what was experienced firsthand. He brought her home to meet his family, but Kandi went on to tell me how similar I was to her. Vylad said it was awkward with the similarity to the point he felt uncomfortable during dinner at certain points. Garroth remained oblivious until Zane poked fun at him. 

The relationship ended soon after Zane spoke of the resemblance. 

There was an ounce of selfishness within me to know that it seemed Garrpth hadn't moved on completely. It was the idea that I wasn't as hard to get rid of as others thought that was pleasing. Otherwise, I felt pity towards him for believing he moved on as quickly as he had. Especially because I have fully moved on from our past relationship and have learned I've developed true feelings for another. 

Kandi and Vylad have been accepted to the very few schools they applied to. I'm waiting for at least one school to get back to me. It should be any time now. This was around the time Cadenza and Laurance started getting their acceptance letters. 

It's midday. It's normal the time mail is delivered, and dad is at work. It's a Saturday, but Cadenza and Laurance remain on campus. I'm left alone to myself for the time being. 

There's a large envelope slightly disfigured in my mailbox. Around it are bills and some letter addressed to dad, but those are quickly thrown on the countertop before I decide to take the three minute walk towards the Ro'meaves'. A minute and a half if I run. 

The urgency of my knocking sends Vylad into a confused state until he sees the envelope in my hand. Neither one of us has to open it to know I've been accepted. 

"What? Did you run here?" He asks, laughing to himself when I wrap my arms around him in pure excitement. 

"I'm not an idiot!" I exclaim, happily ignoring my loss of breath. "I got into college."

He continues to laugh at me. "I always knew you'd get in. There was no reason you wouldn't." 


The rest of the year went by faster than I thought it would've. Several times I nearly ripped my hair out, especially the closer May came with AP exams. 

Like Cadenza and Laurance, there are now large sport banners of myself sitting in our basement, rolled up. Laurance with his cross country and soccer and Cadenza with her volleyball and track. I'm in there with my cheer banner and soon to be softball. It appears not a single Zvahl took a liking to basketball. 

During the course of Garroth's failed relationship, I came to conclusions that I was developing new romantic feelings. Those feelings only grew stronger regardless of my denial.

Eventually those feelings were accepted and a new relationship was formed come early December. 

Prom has passed. They were days after my final AP exam, so the stress rolled off my shoulders happily. I've already written my graduation speech, and I've practiced the National Anthem duet far too often than I'd like to admit. Graduation is right around the corner, and I'm more concerned about tripping in my wedges than anything else. 

Like normal, Vylad outsmarted me. He had more credits, and his GPA was just a little higher than mine. He rested at a perfect 4.0. I sat at a 3.9. Kandi fell in the middle, having only three credits less than Vylad. While the credits mean nothing, he likes to tease about it. 

It's strange to think college is in three months, and it's likely I won't see most of my graduating class again. For the most part, I grew up with these people. After being homecoming for a little while, I attended public school come mid-elementary when we moved from Meteli to Phoenix Drop. 

Both Cadenza and Laurance have thrown multiple ideas of what is needed for college down my throat while dad has begun to panic about planning a graduation party. He doesn't like the idea of his last child growing up so fast. 

As for his relationship with Lisa, it's flourishing. I can see an engagement happening soon in the future if things continue to go well. 


My cap didn't remain on my head long after everything settled down. Pictures were taken, food consumed. School wants us to return within an hour for one last celebration before we all head our separate ways. 

I've already changed for the night. I no longer have to wear my uniform, so street clothes are the way to go. 

Zane, myself, and the twins are carpooling to the school. Zianna thought it made more sense, and we live near each other anyway. Zane wasn't thrilled with the ideas, but he was no match to his mother. 

For now the twins are sitting outside by the tree. When I arrive at their house, I plop down next to Vylad. This causes him to be in the middle. 

"So this is really it, eh? We actually graduated." 

It sounds cliché. Like a line that would be said at the end of a movie. It's just hard to wrap my finger around the idea that only a few hours ago we threw our caps in the air. Despite my hair remaining in its curls, there isn't a trace of a graduated senior on me. 

"Now we get to start all over again in the fall," Kandi says. 

I scrunch my face at this. The moment is slightly ruined with the reminder of higher education being thrown into the open. 

"I'm just surprised Vylad is going," I admit, looking over to him. He seems confused and places his hand on top of mine. His fingers curve to gently hold my hand. "You always had that talk of graduating and never coming back."

"I'll do that after college. I still have a yearning for knowledge that needs to be satisfied," He says. 

Kandi punches his arm. "Don't make us sound old. We're not even legal adults yet." 

"I just want to stay under this tree. Freeze time." 

I lay my head on Vylad's shoulder. Kandi has grown used to this by now that it doesn't faze her. It may make her feel like a fourth wheel, but she doesn't roll her eyes as often anymore. 

Kandi chuckles, "As if that could ever happen. Zane is going to come through the door at any moment now, and he's going to ruin it for us. 

"We'll just have to make the most of these seconds." 

At the age of sixteen, I started a relationship with the person I would marry later on in my life. Joined a family I considered to already be a part of. Created my own family with my husband and two beautiful girls of our own. 

All those comments of being bound to be a Ro'meave used to anger me. The others of how I played the game to win. 

Only one thing was right. I fell in love with one of my best friends, and I became a Ro'meave.

Mrs. Vylad Ro'meave.

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