chapter eleven

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The feeling of his hand slipping into mine brings a newly found warmth. He glides us away from the small conversation, keeping us hidden from wandering eyes.

I find myself in the kitchen, a cup of hot chocolate being ushered into my hands to sip from. It's early on in the night since I volunteered to help with remaining last minute duties. But with the look on Garroth's face, he has no intent to help his mother with anything else.

"How do you make your dad stop talking about work?" I ask him, lifting the mug to my lips.

He only shakes his head, looking towards the small group of adults conversing in the entryway. "We can't. It's nearly impossible. What about Hayden?"

"The same."

He gives out a breathy chuckle, reaching for the mug. I try to fight against him, but I'm little compared to someone who is twice my size. Soon, the mug is against his lips and I'm left glaring at him.

"You're a dick."

The hand looped into the handle points at me, his eyebrow raised in a scolding expression. "That word is completely inappropriate."

"Fuck off."

Two months. Two months and he's managed to get on my nerves on a daily basis.

"Where are the twins?" I ask.

Garroth leans against the counter top and pulls me closer to his chest. His arms are quick to snake around the front of my torso and trap me against his chest. The cup has mysteriously disappeared.

His lips linger down to my ear's level, pressing a lingering kiss against my cheek before beginning to whisper into my ear. "Would you believe me if I said they weren't here?"

Garroth rocks us side to side from one foot to another. I chuckle, grabbing into his arms to steady myself in his grasp. I tilt my head up towards him. "I'd find it highly improbable."

His grip tightens ever so slightly before he lets go, twirling me around to give me a once over. "They're upstairs in their respective rooms. Vylad is most likely meditating, and Kandi is probably still getting ready."


"Is this one of the rare times I can ruin your session of relaxation?"

Candles light the darkened room, making Vylad's face glow. He looks peaceful, and he speaks without opening his eyes.

"You knocked but entered regardless of a response," he says, scooting over in his spot. It's now his eyes open. "You'll end up being like Garroth some day."

I shake my head, making my way onto the bed. We sit beside each other, playfully glaring at the other. "I could never. His GPA is far too low," I say.

Vylad elbows me playfully and stands from his spot. Each candle is blown out and the overhead lights are turned on. I toss a throw pillow at him, laughing when it tumbles off his face.

"I just did my hair," he groans, reaching down and grabbing into the pillow. Vylad's quick to return it where I found it, taking little time to scold me afterwards.

"Oh, come here you big baby," I say, getting onto my knees to fix the few loosened strands falling across his forehead. "I like it when it's messy. You look like a nerd this way."

"I am a nerd, though."

"Don't say that because then that means that I'm a nerd too," I tell him, dropping my arms down to my sides.

He goes to speak, but my eyes narrow in response. I refuse to be called a nerd two days before Christmas.

Vylad drops the subject with a playful eye roll and takes a moment to look me up and down before humming with satisfaction. Because of Kandi, we get dress coded by Vylad for Christmas.

He decides I'm suitable for the public and looks at his clock, commenting that it's near time we make our way downstairs to greet people as they come in. I can sit on the couch and watch from afar, but Garroth announced he wished to make my life a living hell. Laurance told me to look out the window for his car because he was running late.

Last month, Vylad couldn't stand the sight of us together. He thought our relationship would soon end because of the grand differences between Garroth and I. Slowly, he began to grow used to the idea the relationship wasn't going to end. Now, it's normal between us.

I don't feel awkward sitting beside him during class anymore.

"We should go see if Kandilyn is ready," Vylad tells me, placing his hand on my shoulder and motioning to the door with his gaze.

"She hates when people call her that," I correct.

"I know. That's why I do it."

I punch his arm softly, finding no words to say to him in response. The two of us walk to Kandi's room, watching as she frantically shoves bobby pins into her hair.


Garroth loops his arm around my waist and draws me closer to his side. He looks around the room, never once letting his eyes fall on me.

I'm quick to grow annoyed, trying to break away from him but failing when his grasp tightens.

"You haven't met me under the mistletoe," he says.

"I wasn't aware it was required."

"It's always required."

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