chapter seventeen

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Zianna's flash blinds me. The bottom of my heels sink into the earth. My tiara presses tightly on the sides of my head. Garroth's smile is warm, but his eyes hide a sense of sadness within them.

It's May.

I went to prom last year with Garroth. It was my first time wearing a gown as large as it had been, and Cadenza took time out of her days to prepare dresses for both of us. I wanted to feel like a princess, and I did. My dress was red with roses, and she took the time to place baby's breath into the braid that pulled up half of my hair. My feet ached by the end of the night, but I was happy nonetheless.

Cadenza couldn't make my gown this year. I continued with the a-line trend I created last prom. This time, it's a soft pink that I am somehow not too pale for. It's spaghetti strapped and shows cleavage, but not enough for Garte to scold his son for dating someone who dresses like a stripper. It falls in glittery layers that are hard to tell if they're together or separate to the outside eye. My hair is in a loose bun with curled hairs falling out, and the tiara is tucked in secretly. The silver jewels contradict Kandi's gold.

"Have I told you that you truly look like a princess tonight?"

Garroth's hand firmly rests on the side of my waist, smiling a toothy grin to his mother's camera. In between snaps, small bits of conversation play.

"Is it the crown or the dress?" I ask in return.

I want to say I feel playful. I want to say I'm happy, but a piece of me is fighting against that feeling. I've tucked it deep inside of me, so it doesn't show. I'm not stupid. Few others have noticed it as well. No one just brings it to light.

"It's you in general, but the tiara is a nice touch."

His gaze isn't directed towards me, but mine rests on him. Zianna's camera makes another click before I realize that she hasn't changed her muse yet.


I've never been envious of Lily before. She has greatly annoyed me, and I've wished for her appearance to disappear when she's in the same room as me, but I don't envy her. But she's with Vylad, and that's getting under my skin.

She's laughing and smiling. He's smiling. I'm not envious. I'm not jealous. It bothers me. She's thrown slight digs towards me this evening, and she's the apple of his eye. I know I've spent a great deal with Garroth, especially at the beginning of our relationship, but this is weird. They've rarely ever spoken in front of me, but they are acting as though they've spent their entire lives together. He's always been around me during dances, so this is new.

I don't think I've been this uncomfortable regarding something ever since homecoming, when another girl got to wear Garroth's letterman jacket due to homecoming court.

This night in general is just. . . off. Enjoyable, but off.

I've slipped away from Garroth to get something to drink. The room is growing hot, and I want an escape. Some fresh air does wonders. Kandi's standing near the drink table, watching me as I hug my dress to my sides to come towards her.

She looks like a model. She always does. And with the last name of 'Ro'meave' on her birth certificate, it only makes her more desired. The red on her tanned skin only strengthens this. While I'm pale and in an innocent pink, she's tanned and in a romantic burgundy.

"The boys appear to be enjoying themselves."

She looks bored at this moment. Her hand is wrapped around a plastic cup while her leg juts out from her dress's slit. A smile doesn't grace her lips, but the cup's rim rests against them.

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