chapter seven

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Third Person's POV

It wasn't often Hayden could sit on his couch with all three children gone. Someone had always been home, or he was away. Being able to read a book knowing his children were at practice was a refreshing feeling to him.

He typically took this to his full advantage. A cup of tea beside him, Hayden focused more on the book than the clock on the wall. Laurance would pick up Alex from practice, Cadenza driving herself. He didn't need to be his children's drive home anymore.

Though, he wasn't expecting a certain blond male to knock on his front door.

"Mr. Zvahl, there's something important I wish to speak to you about," Garroth says, nerves causing him to feel jittery within. He rubs the back of his neck, a nervous tell of his.

"Well, son, by calling me Mr. Zvahl instead of my name, it appears to be highly important."

Hayden steps out of the way, watching as Garroth slowly makes his way inside. His hands fidget together in front of him. This wasn't normal behavior for Garroth.

Hayden motions to the couch, willing Garroth to sit down so he would calm down. It was evident to him that Garroth was nervous about something. He just wasn't certain yet.

Garroth is hesitant to sit, feeling like he wouldn't be able to get the words out if he did. His knees felt weak, but he thought it was mind over matter at this point. He's felt worse on the field.

"Sir, I want your permission to date your daughter."

There's an expression of amusement on Hayden's face. Never before had he been asked permission for someone to date one of his daughters. Typically, Cadenza came home with a new guy on her arm.

"Cadenza? I don't see why not," Hayden tells him, bringing his mug to his lips. He takes a deep drink before continuing. "Frankly, I personally didn't see you being the type of guy to like my daughter, but emotions are crazy like that. But, Garroth, you have to stop calling me sir. It makes me feel like a grandparent at age forty."

Garroth only feels slight relief in the idea that Hayden didn't fight against the idea of him ending up with his daughter. Even if it was the wrong one.

"Si—Hayden. With all due respect, I meant Alex."

The look on Hayden's face changes to a newly found surprise. His eyebrow lifts, curiously rising along with it.

He goes silent for quite some time. Garroth feels his stomach knot inside of him, slight embarrassment of asking only to feel as though Hayden disagrees with his proposal.

It isn't until Hayden drapes one knee over the other and leans back into the couch that words are exchanged. "I know I'm her father, and I have the final say so, but this may be something you should run through with Laurance. Otherwise, I see no harm in my little girl getting her first boyfriend."

His voice is laced with amusement, and this causes Garroth's shoulders to release from their tensed state. Complete relief floods over him until he realizes Laurance wouldn't be too easy to get approval from.

Not that he cared.

Actually, he cared a lot.


Alex's POV

There's two things I've learned from cheer. One, how to fake the fakest smile I could ever muster. And two, if someone forgets their pants, we all get no pants.

Right now, both are kicking me in the ass. Laurance is a baby when it comes to the cold. He's sitting on the bleachers in front of us, wrapped up in his winter jackets with a burrito tucked around him like he's a burrito. Meanwhile, one of the freshmen forgot half her uniform and we all have to suffer.

Imagine freezing to death at the last game of the season.

Second quarter is nearly over, and we made an agreement that we can at least wear our sweatshirts come halftime. I'll take that over my liner on its lonesome.

A lot of our cheers have to do with throwing girls in the air and catching them when they come back down. When I first became a flyer, I was terrified that they would drop me.

With time, I became convinced that I was safe and they would catch me.

Their hands below me begin to wobble, causing me to lose balance. I flair my hands around to try and steady myself again, but I can feel myself tumbling down. It's a quick fall, my smile dropping in the process. While they catch majority of my body, my bottom half isn't as lucky when the feeling of track is apparent on my skin.

There's a moment of silence between all of us when I look up. Knives stab into my ankle, shooting stinging sensations up the rest of my calf. I suck air in between my teeth with clenched shut eyes. I tumble back to the ground, shooting my hands out to nurse my ankle.

"Holy shit, ow, no," I curse out, sitting down on the track. Laurance and Cadenza are tight against the fence, looking down at me.

Kandi calls for the trainer, but I'm just sitting here freezing my ass off.

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