chapter fourteen

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"Rumor has it, Vylad has a date to prom."

My attention peaks. The only time Vylad ever had a date in the past was when he asked me to a dance. Otherwise, he always went solo. He liked it better that way because he didn't have to worry about how little he engaged.


Kandi shrugs, sitting down beside me at the library. I shut my book, little care for what page I was on.

"I don't know. I haven't learned that yet," she says. "It's obviously not you."

There's a glare on my face. She couldn't help but to state the obvious. Garroth would throw a fit if Vylad asked me even though Vylad is aware that Garroth and I are still together. We've been together for almost a year and a half now, and he's already asked me to prom.

A familiar mop of brown hair makes its way into the room. Vylad spots us and walks towards our table, placing his backpack against the leg of the table.

I stand from my spot, grabbing my book on the table. "I'll go with you to find a book," I tell him.

He looks at the book in my hand before up at me, confused. "But that's a new book."

"It turns out it wasn't the book I was looking for," I lie, pushing my chair into the table. My eyes dart over to Kandi's as she slowly looks down at the book in her hands.

Vylad shakes his head but makes his way into the wonders of book isle. Along the way, I put my book back where I found it and make a mental note on the title. I didn't check it out, so I don't have to walk up to the librarian to return a book I checked out minutes ago.

There's a prom flier hanging up nearby, so I pretend to read over it. "It's weird to know prom is only a little over a month away. This semester is flying by fast."

He looks up from the line of books. I like watching him when he looks for something to read because of how concentrated he is. Sometimes his finger runs along the books' spine, and he clearly knows what he's doing.

"I suppose you're right. It's already late March," he comments, finding one book and pulling it from his spot. He glances over the description, thinking it's good enough. "Have you found a prom dress yet? Garroth is waiting for you to tell him what color tie."

I shake my head, walking towards the fiction section to find a book. I'll check it out, but I probably won't read it because I'm not paying close attention. My hand hovers over Dear Evan Hansen, but Vylad opens his mouth to comment on it only to soon shut it.

He knows I've read it, but it was the first book I saw he knows I'd read.

"He'll have to wait a little while longer on that one," I admit. Frankly, Cadenza considered making my prom dress but taking classes in Meteli and making one stressed her out. She did it last year before her graduation, but she felt it was too rushed. "But what about you? Going solo?"

It's his turn to shake his head. I glance up at Kandi from the book shelf and notice her eyes traveling off the paper and onto us. We begin to walk towards check out before he stops to glance over a book that caught his eye.

"No, not this time. I actually have a date, but it's only as friends," he says, reaching for that book too and making a small pile within her grasp. "I actually asked Lily."

My eyebrows furrow. "Lily? Since when did you and her become friends?"

"When she became my partner for that Shakespearean class you didn't want to take."

"I hate Shakespeare, and you know it. I'd rather take statistics with you than that," I say. "I'm just surprised. What made you want to take her?"

It can come off as jealousy if Vylad and I didn't know each other as well as we do. Lily doesn't like me. She doesn't like Kandi. The feeling is quite mutual. She's on the cheerleading team with us. And simply said, she's a bitch.

I can promise she's only taking the stupid class too because she's going to be an English major.

"I just decided I didn't feel like going alone. Everybody has somebody, so I figured I'd find a date too. Besides, Lily is nice. I don't know why you guys don't get along. We're in a group project together, so we've gotten closer."

"I see," I say, looking up at the clock. I hold a sigh within me. This is something I'd complain to Garroth and Kandi about later. He could've gone with anyone, but he's going with a female who hates the people closest to him. "Oh shit. I need to check out and leave. I forgot I had a meeting at one."

He nods his head, actually walking towards the desk to have his books checked out. When we finish, I lazily throw the book into my backpack and walk out of the library, pulling out my phone when I get a text.

who's he going with?

I roll my eyes at this. Kandi doesn't want to ask Vylad if she doesn't have to.


ew, wtf

I don't send her another text. I slip my phone into my backpack before entering the main office.

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