chapter nine

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Third Person's POV

The front door opens, and Zianna is quick to peek her head out from the kitchen doorframe. A wooden spoon sits in her hand, indicating to Garroth that she's in the process of cooking dinner.

"You're back late," she says, waving the spoon in the air before rushing back to the stovetop.

Garroth follows inside the kitchen with her, sure to take off his shoes by the door and hang his coat up. It wasn't anything fancy, but the smell of her special baked chicken filled the room. He wasn't sure what she did, but she made it in a way others couldn't.

"I wanted to make sure Alex made it to the front door okay," Garroth responds.

There's a warmed smile on Zianna's lips, looking down into her saucepan. "Always been thoughtful." Her glance to Garroth causes him to blush. She chuckles, pointing to the cabinets. "Set the table. I'm nearly done."

Garroth nods his head, walking towards her direction and fishing for six plates. He's quick to place them on the counter, looking for the remaining dishes and silverware. It isn't until Garroth is placing the silverware on the table that Zianna comes out to place dinner in the center.

"Say, what's going on between you and her? You've been quite smitten recently," Zianna comments, looking over at him from the kitchen. Dinner rolls sit in a basket in her hands as she brings them to the table.

Garroth's cheeks tint a soft hue of pink. "I asked her to be my girlfriend today," he responds.

Zianna accidentally knocks over a glass, panic setting in with the fear it would shatter. "Oh goodness, me," she exhales, setting it back up. She looks up to Garroth, giving him a soft smile. "That's wonderful, Gargar. Do your siblings know?"

"No, I just got back."

She nods. "Why don't you go tell them dinner is ready? I'll finish up here."


Zianna tried to make dinner appear as normal as she possibly could. Garte never caught on. Garroth tried not to think how strange his mother's reaction was to his new relationship. He thought she'd be happier for him.

The dinner crashed.

"How was school today?"

Zianna was strict on vegetables. Ever dinner had one, and everyone had some on their plate. she was applying more salad onto her plate as she spoke.

Vylad looks up at his mother. It was a decent day at school. Nothing new and exciting. Nothing dreadful at the same time. "We had a math exam today. I think it went well."

This causes Kandi to snicker, and the table's attention suddenly switches over to her. "I'm sorry," she says, dabbing her lips with a napkin. "I was remembering the look on Alex's face when she turned in her's. She tries to be quiet when she walks around, but her crutches give her away. Especially in a dead silent room."

Garte was confused, unaware that the blonde was even on crutches. He didn't go to Garroth's last game. He had a business meeting to attend to, and he didn't show much interest after the words 'we won' went past Garroth's lips. He never really cared much about Kandi cheerleading either, so he never asked. He acknowledged it and was proud when she mentioned it in front of ours because the school involvement made the family look good.

Garte was also never good at remembering who half of his children's friends were. Hayden and the Zvahl last name collided together, and he associated Zvahl as a good name through Hayden's hard work. He found the blonde girl a bit strange on her own, but she hadn't done anything horrible for him not to like her.

"I think it's cute that she tries to be quiet," Garroth says. He hadn't realized he said anything until he looked up to see eyes staring at him. Garroth didn't know he said that out loud.

"Do you. . . have feelings for this girl, Garroth?" Garte sounds hesitant, unsure if he liked the idea.

"Um. . . yeah. Yeah, I do," Garroth admits. "I wasn't sure what to say, or the right time, but I asked her to be my girlfriend today. She said yes."

The sound of silverware clattering against glass sounds. Vylad looks up to Zianna, avoiding eye contact with Garroth. "May I be excused?"


Vylad was angry to say the least. He was hurt. There was a sense of betrayal burning within him. How could a girl cause him to feel so irrational inside? He was normally the calm one. The one to take a step back and think it through.

He couldn't think. He was mad at Garroth. He was mad at Alex even though he knew she didn't know. He was mad because he liked her.

A knock sounds at his door. Garroth's voice comes from the other side. The words 'baby brother' were muffled by the wood.

Vylad didn't bother to answer the door. He sat on his bed, staring aimlessly at the wall in front of him.

The door opens, Garroth walking into the room. He shuts it slowly behind him, trying his hardest to have it be quiet when it shut. The feeling he got from Vylad made me feel like noise would get him jumped.

"I didn't say you could come in," Vylad says.

"You've been acting off lately. I wanted to make sure everything was okay." Garroth walks towards him, placing the back of his hand against Vylad's forehead. He was checking for a fever. "Are you sick?"

Vylad pushes his hand away, sending a glare his way. "You're an actual fucking dick."

Garroth takes a step back, surprised by Vylad's sudden aggressive attitude. He wasn't sure what to say. This wasn't normal for him.

"You've everything you could ever want. Everything gets handed to you. The rest of us get fucked over for you."

"Vylad, what are you—"

"You couldn't let her be? You wanted her too?"

It clicks to Garroth what Vylad meant. Why he was so angry. He didn't know why he didn't realize it before, but he understood why.

Vylad liked her.

And a piece of him didn't care.

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