- Back at it Again -

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It was now lunch time. Dib and Gaz were both sitting at their table together like they always do. Gaz was eating silently while watching Dib be overly anxious about the past events that had occurred. He was bouncing his leg under the table fast.

'I think Jackson might've pushed too far this time. What a jerk. It was a little funny how they fell though' Gaz thought. Dib wasn't even eating his food, he was so lost in thought.


"Yeah..?" Her brother replied quietly back to her, still looking as if he were lost in his own mind.

"Are you serious?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Dib lost track of everything immediately, and looked to Gaz. He had jumped a little since Gaz was giving him a look.

"You're gonna let Jackson ruin this for you? Are you that stupid? Get a grip of yourself! Get up and talk to Zim." Gaz slapped her brother, having her receive a very surprised look from Dib.

"Uh, ow?! A-are you kidding?! I can't talk to Zim after what happened! It's honestly probably gonna kill us both." Dib rubbed his face in frustration. Every time he gets a chance to do anything, there always has to be some sort of disturbance.

"You're so dramatic... It's annoying. Who cares if you guys bashed your heads and lips together?"

"'Who cares'?! That was basically a freaking first kiss! I hate to say that, because I'm really not into that sort of stuff... I doubt Zim wants to talk to me anyway after all that."

"And I doubt that Zim doesn't want to talk to you, you moron. Also, gross. It doesn't really count as a... first kiss, since your lips just touched because you FELL."

"Oh sure! Right, of course! If I were to talk to Zim, what would I even say?!"

"I don't know! That's up to you..! But honestly, if I were you, I'd go talk to Jackson with Zim and do something about what he did to you."

"You just wanna start drama."

"Well, duh..." Gaz picked up her fork and started to eat again. "Now go talk to both Zim and Jackson before I do something about it."

"What would I even say to Jackson, too? I can't just walk up to him and be like 'hey, uh, what you did back there was super un-cool and I would greatly appreciate if you didn't do it again' that's stupid."

"Of course it's stupid if you're gonna end up saying something like that."

"Uhm..." Dib looked back to Zim, thinking about what his sister had told him.
Why does she keep helping me? She is oddly invested, it makes me very uncomfortable Dib thought to himself, he quickly side glanced to look at his sister. She has been so helpful with his whole situation with Zim, she has been giving surprisingly great advice and it honestly scares him. But she's right. He can't just sit around and wait for this "awkwardness" to die down on its own. He has to do something about it himself if he wants this whole thing to work out well between him and Zim.

"I, uh..." Dib muttered out on accident. He couldn't move.

"You what?" Gaz looks back to her brother, just to find him in a sweaty mess.

"Holy heck, Dib. You're disgusting."

"I don't know what to say to him!! I'm freaking out here!"

"YEAH! I can tell! Just go, I honestly can't handle you and your nervous sweat. So, just leave." Gaz had scooted away from Dib, while slightly pushing him off his seat so he could go away already with her feet.

"OKAY, I'M GOING! You can stop pushing." Dib shot up from his seat before Gaz could push him away any further. It was time to be a man! It was time... to...

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