- Embarrassment -

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It was around 4:10 A.M. It was a beautiful morning. The sky was a elegant dark blue and dark purple sunset, the two boys still fast asleep on the couch. Still, not aware of the position of their bodies.

Zims eyes start to open slowly, he squinted since his eyes hurt a bit from sleeping with his contacts, but he didn't mind knowing that it happened quite a lot. Once he got more awake and was able to see now, he looks around not aware of his surroundings.

'What the-.. Is this the Dib's house? How in the world did I end up here...?' He thinks to himself pulling himself up, he looked down at his hands as he did so. He stops in his movements in utter shock. "ARRGGGHMMM" A muffled scream comes out of his mouth, he didn't want to wake the human knowing that if Dib was awake, it would definitely make this situation much much worse. Zim starts to blush like crazy and quickly got off of Dib obviously being cautious, He feels kinda sick to the stomach that he fell asleep on a human, but not completely because it was Dib, friend half-enimie. He really didn't know what to call themselves. Zim threw on his shoes and opened the door slowly, walked out, and closed it as quietly as he could. Zim just stood there, Infront of Dib's front door. Why wasn't he leaving? Oh yeah, he was confused but very hyped. In a way I bet you'd understand.

"AAAAAARRRGGGHHHhhhh-!" He runs and screams the whole way home asking multiple questions to himself, soon his extremely loud scream is just soon turned into little echoes in the entire neighborhood, enough to wake it up to the point where everyone turned their lights on and look outside.

"Is Someone dying??!!" An angry old man walks out in a robe and some slippers, OH! And don't forget his stained white tank top and undergarments. He looks around to see nothing but everyone in the neighborhood looking outside.

"If you are, keep it down would ya? Gosh.. What's up with people.." he walks in speaking to the screaming being and talks to himself on the last part, his neighbours overheard him and felt a bit uncomfortable but not much at the same time because the world they all live in makes absolutely no sense...

Zim made it home, he runs in as the door was left open and shuts it behind him. He put his hands on his knees panting trying to catch his breath.

"G-GIR...*Huff* Why...Was...The door o-open..." He stutters and let's out a breath after almost each word.

"I opened it because you were gone!" Gir cries, which made Zim glare at him in return. Gir really doesn't makes sense sometimes, and this was one of those times.
Zim ignores the fact that it was open since he didn't want to use even more energy yelling at Gir. Zim decided to lay down on his couch and watch T.V until who knows when, it was the weekend and Zim really didn't have any plans on Sundays.

~The Membrane Residence~

Three hours had passed since Zim ran, Dib was still sleeping peacefully wrapped like a burrito in the blanket, he was even more comfortable then before, but it saddly had to end because he woke up. His eyes flutter from waking up, he sits up and stretches.
'Hm, Where'd Zim go? I could've sworn he fell asleep here..' Dib remembers Zim falling asleep while they were playing, but he didn't think much of it though. He came up with the conclusion that he had just left early. We've got the smarts in our hands, eh? Hahaha!

(What am I even laughing at, this isn't funny..And you probably don't even get it 🤦)

~A few hours later~

Dib was still downstairs on the couch just watching his usually crime shows, he found them very divert. Gaz has woken up around 11:00 A.M. since she stayed up pretty late playing on her game slave 2 and watched some videos on her phone.

What's Wrong With Me? - ZADR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now