- Games are Interesting -

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Zim and Dib were talking about the movie they had just watched as they were walking, they couldn't recall the name but they thought it was pretty scary. Dib didn't really like it- especially that... "Part".. He'd rather not talk or even think about it as it made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Zim, on the other hand, thought it was okay as well as that particular part. If he were to be completely honest, he also found it disgusting, but not as much as Dib did.
As Zim was talking, Dib was thinking about what happened during the movie, when he held Zim's hand. He wanted to hold it again, he wanted to feel Zim's three fingered hand holding his. Odd way to put it right? Might be because the feeling is also really odd.

'Is this a good idea..? Will he pull his hand away...? I hope not..' Dib was figuring out whether if he should hold his hand once again, which in return had started his sweat to spill. Zim looked at Dib and noticed his blushing and paused on what he was talking about and asked.

"What's wrong with you D-" Zim stopped as he was shocked by Dib grabbing his hand. Dib couldn't resist anymore, he really wanted to hold his hand.


"Just.. Don't ask, let's just keep on walking please.." Dib really didn't know what to say. In this case, Zim didn't either and just kept on walking and didn't say anything as Dib had asked. The two boys were blushing deeply, and threw little glances at one another from time to time. Zim was actually kinda happy Dib grabbed his hand, he also wanted to hold Dib's but didn't want to embarrass himself. At least one of them was brave enough.

-A few minutes of awkward silence later-

They finally made it to Dib's house, Dib let go of Zim's hand so he could open the door, Zim felt a huge wave of relief, but at the same time was disappointed that it had to end, but he decided to think about it.
Dib held the door open for Zim to walk in like a 'gentleman' would. Gaz knew Dib was gonna bring Zim, she just knew it. Dib had been acting too predictable and suspicious lately. It's the reason why she had prepared a water gun.

"Don't try anything funny Zim..." She said to Zim as soon as she heard footsteps come into the house, still paying attention to her game. Not that she really cares what Zim could possibly do. His plans fail nearly all the time, but all she really wanted was an excuse to shoot Zim with the water that burns his skin for some reason.


"I'm prepared"

Zim suddenly felt himself shivering, scared as he knew what she was talking about.
"..okay..!" He whispers nervously as he catches a glimpse of her death gun. Dib chuckled at Zim, he knew he was scared. To be fair- he would be too though, Gaz is scary.

"Anyways... Gaz, if you don't mind, would it be okay if me and Zim play with you later- or even possibly now..?" He asked while taking off his zip up hoodie, Gaz paused her game and turned to them slowly.

"What...?!" Gaz did NOT see this coming, she did not expect DIB of all people to ask her to play HER games.


"Ugh, later..." Gaz didn't even care at this point, she just wanted to finish her game. Dib felt the need to feel victorious and whispered "yus!" Zim stared at him a bit confused but proceeded to scoffed at Dibs actions.

"Let's go up to my room for a bit, we could do something else while we wait." Dib got a hold of Zim's hand and walked him to the upstairs to his bedroom. Zim hadn't even cared that he grabbed his hand this time. Apparently this was going to be a continuous thing of suddenly grabbing his hand.
Dibs room was a lot neater than usual, there are still clothes on the floor and what not but not as much.
"It's a bit messy... I'm trying to start cleaning more." Dib laughed a little, he really didn't feel the need to apologize to Zim seeing that he was used to it since he's broken in about over a qujilion times- is that a number? No.

What's Wrong With Me? - ZADR Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now