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"Oh, Yeji unnie!" She looked at her younger friend waving at her near at the back of the academy room.

She have a morning dance class at ACE Academy, where trainees at ACE Entertainment is being teached other than the agency.

She smiled and make her way beside the girl. "Good morning, Yuna-yah." She greeted, as she take her sit.

Shin Yuna. A young trainee from the same entertainment.

"Good morning too. But unnie, where are you last night. You're not in the dorm." She stopped for awhile before facing the girl showing her a lovely smile.

'Ah, right. I forgot to tell them.' She mentally face palmed.

Remembering that the younger is also living with her in the same dorm. And she didn't told anyone that she'll be home, for some business.

"Dad told me to go home. He said he missed me." She said, didn't bother to tell the whole, since no one knew that she's someone who's rich rich.

"Ohh~ how did it go, unnie? Did you guys have a family dinner?" Yuna asked. She nodded at the girl. And saw their instructor coming in.

"Let's talk later." She whispered, and they both agreed on it.


"I heard that the son of Mr. Choi will be our PD from now on"

"Is that so? I heard he's a total hottie."

"You got that right. Yesterday I saw him at the entertainment. And he got the visuals."

"It's alright for me if the PD is someone handsome as him. Do you think he have a...."

She couldn't help but to hear some of the gossips while eating at the cafeteria.

And she kept hearing and hearing it ever since she left the academy.

She was now at the entertainment to have a vocal training. But since it's their lunch break, she decided to eat at the cafeteria. But who cares if it's still 11:40 in the morning or something, a lunch break is a lunch break.

But instead of having a peaceful lunch. She keep on getting and hearing those from the table beside where she was sitting. She's not annoyed by the news, but she was annoyed by their voice.

'Can't they lower their voice? They're not the only one here eating.' She scoff and continue eating not until someone sat infront of her.

The gossip on the other table also stopped, which make her confused on who sat infront of her. As curiosity kiling her, she look up with a food stuck on her mouth, but soon regret it as she choke on her food.

"Yah! Be careful will you." The person ran beside her,and have her a water before patting her back. She drank the water to ease from chocking. And as she recovers, she look at the person surprised.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She whisper shouted, at the person in front of her. Still can't process who's infront of her.

"What do you think? Of course I'm sitting." He bluntly answered, while sipping his grape juice, which she rolled her eyes to.

She picked up her food tray and stood up grabbing her bag that make him confused.

"Hey I just got here whe—" He was cut off when she pulled him with her. All of the people inside the cafeteria was looking at them.

Maybe because what is the commotion about, or mainly what is she doing with him.

"Yeji, where are you taking me?" He whispered to her. But the girl didn't bother to answer. They pass by the corner where the food trays will be placed and put hers there.

She pull him somewhere no one could see. But welp many people already saw them, so what's the point of hiding.

She pulled him towards the door exit, and not so harshly let him go.

"H-hwang Y-yeji. I-i know what y-you are thinking, p-please i don't like y-you." He faked stuttered, and for the nth time of the day she rolled her eyes.

"Choi Soobin. Will you please stop being dramatic, and tell me what are you doing here. I thought you're in States." She whispered shouted at the 6 feet tall guy.

That one? He's Choi Soobin. He's a good friend of hers. And the rest of the story is for later.

He cleared his throat and properly stood up.

"I just came yesterday. Aren't you gonna welcome me?" He opened his arms with the bunny smile of his, for her to hug him, but instead of receiving a hug he got a good punch on his stomach.

He crouch and his right hand hold his stomach, while the other hold to her arms for support.

"That's your welcome from me after not telling me you're going home." She scoff and crossed her arms.

"I-it's not a s-surprise if I t-told you." He groan still holding his poor stomach, "Good t-thing I s-still d-didn't eat or e-lse I might p-puke the food b-because of your punch." He said that make her furrowed her brows.

"You still didn't eat?" She asked him looking at him worriedly.

"Awee you're worried. Don't worry darling, me and my friends are going to eat together." He teased her, pinching her cheeks.

"Don't touch me. And please stop with that callsign, that girl, already stopped bugging you." She pulled his hand off her cheeks, and start to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" He asked her. "Unlike you who just enjoy your life, I'm a trainee here." She wave her hand at him.

"Atleast say goodbye." He shouted and pouted, before she could leave the door.

She looked at him and smirked,

"Bye, and maybe see you never."


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