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Yeji was busy staring at the beautiful scenery outside the car. She was fascinated by the beauty outside, but soon realized something.

She looked at the person beside her and furrowed her brows in confusion, "Where are we going?" She asked him.

He momentarily look at her before looking back at the road before answering her with another question, "You just noticed now?" 

She looked at him slightly annoyed, and he noticed it making him chuckle.

"I was moved by the scenery outside, and I realized that I'm not quite familiar with it. Where are we exactly going?" She asked once again, hoping to get a proper answer from him.

"Just somewhere, you'll just see later." He smile at her adoringly which cause her heart to skip a beat.

She can't deny that the man already have an effect on her, even though they just knew each other  recently, but they have to know each other as they will be together soon.

"Why can't yo—" She stopped talking when she saw the scenery outside Yeonjun window. She can't help but to abruptly look on her side window, and saw a new scenery outside that caught her breath away.

"Wow~" She couldn't help but to mutter. Blue crystal ocean was outside, and you could see coconut trees standing so tall, and beneath them there are countless flowers.

The car soon stopped infront of a medium sized gate. He pressed the horn and soon the gate opened.

Behind the gates, she saw a not so big rest house and some gazebo on the side. It's a typical resthouse that you can see on the beach, and she couldn't deny that she was in awe since earlier because of the guy.

Yeonjun parked the car somewhere and looked at the woman beside her, and couldn't stop to smile when she looks like a kid looking outside the opened window.

He take his belt off, and get out the car. He rushed towards the other side to open the door for her, but the poor girl was shocked when he suddenly popped out of nowhere, not that he didn't just got out the car.

He chuckled and opened the door for her, as she just let him be.

She let him bring her anywhere, as he literally just drag her after getting out of the car.

"YAH, WAIT A MINUTE! STOP DRAGGING ME!" Yeji yelled but soon shut up when she saw where he bring her.

Her eyes shone as the crystal clear water infront of her. He let go of her wrist, and let her run towards the sea and play with the water.

He was just standing there watching, how the gurl play. A smile plastered on his lips, seeing how cute she was.

He was busy admiring the beauty infront of him, when the beauty on her own suddenly stopped. He was confused, he was about to approach her when she suddenly look at him with a blank face that send chills.

He was frozen on his spot when the girl walk towards him and look at him face to face.

"W-what's the m-matter?" He ask concern on what's with the sudden change.

But what took him by surprise is when she smile brightly in front of him, and shook her head.

"Nothing." She take a hold of his hand and intertwined it with hers before saying, "I want to play with you."


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