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"Ohhh someone has a date~" Yuna said as she was the one who first saw the older leave her room, dressed.

The other persons inside the room also looked at her, as they now looked at her teasingly.

"No I'm not." Yeji immediately denied, knowing the girls would tease her.

"Why are you dressed like that unnie?" Ryujin asked walking around her, scanning her clothes.

"W-well I'm going to... Mall. Yes I'm going to the mall." She can see how the five girls give her a doubtful look.

"Aish, I'll get going now." She bid her goodbye before anything happens inside the dorm.

She successfully got out without being questioned by her co-trainees. Walking towards the elevator, she somehow remember a scene, causes for her to chuckle.

"I don't think it's just a coincidence."


When she finally got out the building, she was met with an empty driveway.

'Maybe waiting a little more, won't hurt.' She thought, she was about to get her phone from her sling bag when she heard a car engine roaring.

She look up and saw a red Mustang, parking right in front of her, causing for her to widen her eyes.

The window on her side slide down, revealing an empty passenger seat, she crouch down a little and saw Yeonjun looking at her with shades slightly down.

"C'mon." He motioned his head to her indicating to come inside.

Yeji stood up, trying to calm herself, as she was flustered by the small gesture. She look around, to see if someone will saw her entering the car.

When she noticed that no one is around, she hastefully entered the car and closing the door.

As soon as she sat comfortably on the seat she gave the guy and gave him a light slap on his arms, surprising the man in process but just chuckle afterwards, "What was that for?" He asked softly.

The two are already close with each other, to treat each other as friends, but as their relationship is more than that, they didn't let it to break the string of hope for a blooming friendship between them.

"Why the hell did you bring a red car? It caught a lot of attention!" She huffed, pouting a little and crossing her arms. She might be little mad, but Yeonjun found him cute.

"Aww don't be mad, I just choose what's good base on my mood today." He said, pinching her puffed cheeks as she was blowing air in annoyance.

She swatted his hands away from her face and look at him confused.

"Why red though? Are you somewhat angry or mad on something?" She asked. Concerned on what he just said, or maybe a little worried since she snapped on him a little earlier.

Yeonjun smiled at her, noticing that she's showing that she was worried on what he is feeling, and thought on what is the real reason why he bring the car.

'Red sometimes means love.'

"Nothing." But oh well, why would you think he would tell her the real reason. Of course he won't, he may not be a fan of some cheesy things but he found it cute when he thinks on how to works what's going on between them.


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