2. Surprise Muthafxcka!

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Almost one month later to the day, Janiya was sneaking out of bed at 4:30am, careful not to wake the completely clueless woman that was lightly snoring beside her. She only shifted underneath the sheets and exhaled, unaware that she was now in bed alone.

The couple showered the previous night, barely 6 hours ago, so all they needed to do was get dressed. Since Janiya was up first, she quickly and quietly pulled on a pair of navy blue fitted joggers with the matching hoodie over her underwear and pulled her tie dye crocs from the closet to carry downstairs. She moved like a ninja, not making a peep as she took both of their suitcases and carryons down stairs- it helped that most of the house was carpeted. Janiya set an alarm for 5:30am for Amber to wake up, last night she got a few hints of a birthday surprise but she never guessed or suspected a trip so Janiya knew her girlfriend would be completely surprised when she got up.

It was five minutes after 5 when Niya began making breakfast, they had a long day ahead, so she made a big and filling breakfast consisting of cheesy grits, blueberry waffles, eggs and sausage. As she was making batter for the waffles, she heard the alarm go off and Amber getting up, stomping because she would not pick up her feet. Janiya carried on until her partner made it downstairs too, shuffling her furry slippers on the tiled floor of the kitchen

"Good morning birthday girl"

"Morning" her voice was deep and raspy "Why are we up so early? And my birthday is 3 days away."

"I guess I can finally tell you. We are going on a trip for your birthday"

"Okay-" she paused to yawn "Where are we going that I had to wake up at 5:30?"

"To South Korea" Niya replied with pause, waiting for the information to settle in






"SOUTH KOREA!" She shouted, fully waking herself up and probably their neighbors too "Fuck you, you're lying!" Amber's eyes narrowed as if she's trying to intimidate her lover

"Fuck you, I'm not. Bags are packed and by the door, ready to go. And" she pulled up their flight itinerary on her phone "Here are our flight tickets"

Amber's jaw dropped as she stared at the screen, unable to fully comprehend what was about to happen for a full minute. As she realized their trip was real, she blinked and shook her head

"Baby! Oh my-Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She jumped on Janiya, wrapping her limbs around her body like a koala "How? How the hell did you plan and execute all this without me knowing? When did you even- ugh thank you so much" leaving kisses all over her face

Janiya's heart swelled at how excited and happy Amber was. She held her up by cradling under her thighs, smiling through the barrage of kisses. Niya placed her affectionate attacker on the counter and stood between her legs, rubbing her thighs innocently.

"You are welcome love; I know this is one of your dream trips and I'm really glad I could make this happen for you and be with you to enjoy it, but this isn't it. I have one more surprise up my sleeve"

Amber tilted her head "another one? Lord, just tell me so I don't have another mini heart attack" so Janiya grabbed her phone from the counter and pulled up the email confirming purchase of two ticket to the BTS confer in Seoul "No you didn't"

"Oh, but I did," she smirked.

"I-" the woman was too stunned to speak. Amber's eyes were fixed on the screen while Niya's eyes were fixed on her frozen face

"I already know I'm the best"

"Babe," she whined, nearly crying from the extremely thoughtful and gracious gesture. Amber could not think of a time where she was more grateful to have someone be so accepting of her and her interests. "Thank you so much, I love it and I love you"

"You better" Amber set the phone down and wrapped her hands around Janiya's neck, bring her close for a passionate kiss that sent a wave of heat through both woman "Mm, we have to go soon, let's eat"

Amber whined again, this time from loss of contact. She trapped her girlfriend by locking her legs around her waist, the brown beauty's insides were churning. "What if I wanna eat something else?"

"As much as I would love to have you eating me out, we are on a tight schedule," Niya gave her another kiss and unlocked her legs to move away causing Amber to pout

"Fine" she hopped off the counter and sat in a chair at the table instead "What did you cook?"

"Cheesy grits, sausages, blueberry waffles and I'm about to whip up some eggs now"

"Ooh my favorites" she shimmied with a giant grin

With eggs over medium for Amber and scrambled for herself, Janiya sat at the table to enjoy the sweet and savory breakfast with her. The two ate in a comfortable silence, while they were both excited for the vacation, having to wake up before the sun still left them feeling sleepy. Both women finished eating and cleaned up together since they would be gone for the next 9 days, they made sure the kitchen was free of any thing that could rot or cause a fire. After the clean-up Amber got dressed and double checked her bags, surprised that Janiya had everything she'd need.

They loaded into an Uber, arriving at the airport 40 minutes later. After check-in and TSA Amber wanted a snack so she bought overpriced chips and water from the airport convenience store while her other half watched their bags. The two sat sharing the bag of chips, waiting for their plane to begin boarding.

"I still can't believe you put all this together behind my back" Amber sniggered, shaking her head in disbelief "I am definitely surprised"

"I knew you would be, and it wasn't easy" Niya chuckled, chewing a potato chip "I thought I was caught like four times, but you were none the wiser"

"Thanks again baby, this is easily my best birthday ever. I don't know if you'll ever top this and I'm not even mad about it. Can't believe I'm going to South Korea"

"You better start believing Bambi, we about to turn up in Itaewon" she joked bouncing her shoulder

"Ayyyyeee!" Amber said with her hanging out

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