iConfirm Seddie

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What if Carly confirmed Seddie?

A third person POV.

- iStart A Fan War

Quick A/N: I wrote two versions of the same One-Shot so here's the other version. It's a bit boring in the beginning because it's highly based on the actual scene.

This one is actually short than the other one because I didn't know what to write past the confirmation part.
The iCarlies arrived at Webicon and met the V.I.P. advisor, Corbin Davis. He showed them to their panel hall and Sam wandered off. Of course, only she would disappear and return with a fat shake. Carly and Freddie were both aware that this was a very Sam thing to do so their shock to her actions seemed misplaced.

But it's lucky she returned when she did because Corbin began to announce that the iCarlies would be on stage. "Without our further ado..." A man stood up and excitedly said. "My name is Adu." People clapped for him. "Alllright... here there are...iCARLY!!!" Corbin finished.

They all came out maybe a little show-y and people were naturally excited. They were clapping, screaming their names, and even screaming ship names. But something that was just for Carly was her crush, Adam, waved and smiled at her. She waved and smiled back before she took her seat between her friends. Sam and Freddie also took their seats. Corbin asked the crowd. "Alright let's get started. Who has a question for the iCarly crew?"

Several hands went up but Adu yelled. "I do. I do. I do." So Corbin pointed to him. "Adu." The response from him was. "Yes. You guys are so awesome." It was followed by a lot of clapping so they each just responded with an awkward 'thank you'.

"Do you have a question?" Carly added.

"No, please."

They moved on to the next person when Freddie awkwardly spoke. "Ah okay. How about question?"

Carly pointed to a girl, who raised her hand. "You in the pink shirt."

"Um...I've watched every iCarly webshow ever. And regarding Sam's blue remote control, which I have photo of here," She held up a picture of the remote in question. Clearly causing uncomfortablity among the iCarly kids. "If you count up all the sounds the remote has made it's a total of ninety three unique sound yet effects yet there are only has six buttons on the remote." This creepy statement was obviously directed towards Freddie. "Well I designed the remote to be programmable so I assigned the buttons whatever sound effects we'll need that week." The girl's answer was a simple "Ohhhhh".

Carly just said. "Okay next question." and people were frantically raising there handing. "The girl with the bow in her hair." The girl who stood up was a girl known as Stacey.

"HI! Firsht, thanksh for noticshing my hair bow. Um...I'd like to began by apolgizshing speech isssshues. I was cured for ssshort time but then shuffered replashe."

Sam was clearly tired of listening to her talking because she interrupted her. "Your question?"

"Right. Ash you can shhee... I'm a Creddie shipper." She moved her hair out of the way of the pin on her shirt. Carly immediately wanted to scream that Freddie wasn't dating her. He was dating Sam. But she knew she had to remain calm. She had to respect the fact her friends were having a relationship that they didn't want made public. Luckily, she didn't have to say anything a Seddie shipper stood up and booed her and screamed. "SEDDIE!!!" Sam hid the smile that crossed her face by drinking some more of her fat shake. Before the iCarlies knew it about half the crowd was screaming Seddie. Carly caught Sam looking at Freddie with a crooked smile; to which he just shook his head. Corbin calmed the crowd down. "Alright, alright, alright. One at time please. Let hair bow finish her question."

"Thank you." She started. "Carly and Freddie, what are the circshumstances shurrounding your romantic relationship? Details please."

"Freddie and I aren't in a romantic relationship."

"Reshpectfully, I disssagree." All three iCarlies were confused by this. A girl with a pearpad stood up. "Yeah! If you look here on my pearpad, you'll see screencaps I've taken from actual iCarly webisodes proving Carly and Freddie do like each other."

There was people screaming Seddie again but that's not what held the focus of the trio. They wanted to see what possible proof this girl could have. They were ready to debunk it all. Adam turned to see it as well. He wanted to know if he was wrong to believe Carly.

She pulled up the first photo. "Here's one where Freddie touches Carly's shoulder." Suddenly, Sam could only hold an irritated expression. This was ridiculous. Freddie and Carly, however, just seemed dumbstruck. She moved onto the next picture. "And this screencap, Carly, look at the way you're staring into Freddie's eyes." Carly smiled at this. "Well yeah. Because he had a tiny little pimple on his nose." Freddie confirmed this. "It was a black head." The girl sat down upset. Sam waved her hand dismissively. "Next question." Everyone's hands shot up. "Uhhhh...man boobs in the back there." A man in probably his forties stood up.

"Ah yeah." He was hard to hear so a tech agent handed him a microphone. "I gotta agree with hair bow and pearpad. Anybody who's ever even been to iCarly-dot-com can eeeaaasily see that Carly and Freddie..." He gestured to them as he said their names. "....are in love." Carly looked at Adam and he was visually upset. She knew why too. She told him there was nothing going on with Freddie and now this. "No we're not!" Freddie protested and Carly backed him up with a simple. "We really aren't." She looked at Adam then added an extra. "We really aren't." It was followed by a smile that wasn't returned.

"Relax, Mama's got this." Sam held her microphone against Carly's to get everyone's attention. It cause a loud ringing.

"ALRIGHT!! LISTEN UP!!" She yelled into her own microphone. "You need to let Carly speak or I will have to bring out my butter sock." The crowd settled down and Carly shook her head at Sam. "Don't worry, Sam won't actually hit anyone with butter." She looked between her friends then leaned into her microphone. "It's not true because Sam and Freddie are deeply in love."

Adam let a smile cross his face at this news. But was confused at why this hadn't been said sooner. He figured he could ask Carly later. Sam and Freddie were now the center of attention. But when it came to Seddie, it seemed people just enjoyed that their favorite couple was together. For a good few minutes people screamed out of turn.

A Seddie shipper stood up. "YES! SAM AND FREDDIE FOR THE WIN!!!"

Stacey yelled right next to Adam's ear making him deaf for a minute. "NO!!"

The girl who asked about Sam's remote screamed. "Seddie!!" It was followed by Goopy Gilbert screaming. "SEDDIE!!!" Then Seddie shippers just raised their hands and asked questions about the relationship. Every once in while there was a normal question or a question about why Freddie wasn't with Carly. They were all answered with much less chaos.

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