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A/N- Teu-ha~~ another update for today, just because... Anyway, enjoy~~


Hyunsuk smelled a very good and calming scent as soon as he awake. But he still feel lazy to open his eyes. His nose sniffing that scent. It's right next to him. Hyunsuk's hands tried to reach the source of the calming scent that he smelled. When he manage to touched it, Hyunsuk felt like it's pulling him closer and the scent getting even more stronger.

Hyunsuk moved his hands and wrapped his arms around the source of the scent. He buried his face on that thing. Breathing in the pleasant, calming scent that he first time ever smelled.


Hyunsuk eyes wide opened as he heard that. He saw someone's neck. It's Park Jihoon. He has been sniffing Jihoon while hugging him and Jihoon's arms around his waist. Hyunsuk looked up, staring at Jihoon's sleeping face. He's still sleeping peacefully.

Hyunsuk remembered what happened last night. And the new bet they just started.

"Alright. Then, it's a bet! The rule is the one who fall first is the loser and need to follow the winner's order for 3 months,"

Hyunsuk noticed that he already in his pajama. Did Jihoon cleaned him yesterday? Hyunsuk didn't know because he passed out in the middle of their business. Jihoon is only has his pants on and Hyunsuk has been burying his face on Jihoon's bare skin.

"Yah. Yah. Wake up," Hyunsuk patted Jihoon's arm that's still circling his waist. But Jihoon didn't wake up, instead he's pulling Hyunsuk closer to him. Hyunsuk sighed. He tried to push Jihoon but it seems like he can never overpower his rival in the strength category. "Park Jihoon,"

"What?" Jihoon asked without opening his eyes yet.

"Let me go," Hyunsuk said.

"It's Saturday," Jihoon sighed.

"I need to use the toilet," Hyunsuk said. Jihoon slowly opened his eyes and looked into Hyunsuk's. He let out sigh again before letting the smaller guy go.

Hyunsuk stood up and walked toward the bathroom. He noticed that his bedroom is already clean. Their used clothes also already in the washing machine. After washing his face, Hyunsuk brushed his teeth. He walked out to look at the time while still brushing his teeth.

"Yah. Where do you want to eat at?" Hyunsuk asked.

Jihoon didn't replied him right away. He looked at Hyunsuk's face with an unexplainable expression for a while.

"Really?" Jihoon asked.

"Of course. I didn't forgot our bet last night, okay. And I'm a man of his words. I mean, my words. I'm not going to pretend that I forgot about it and just run away," Hyunsuk said. He walked back inside the bathroom. He can see Jihoon's reflection on the mirror in front of him, standing at the door.

"Even after whatever happened yesterday?" Jihoon asked.

"What happened? Ah! The new bet. It's still on going, right? I didn't say anything about to forget about the previous bet or anything," Hyunsuk said. He turned at Jihoon. "So. Where to?"

Jihoon still can't believe that Hyunsuk just acted like he used to. But at the same time, he's glad. They decided to go to a ramen restaurant after Jihoon's clothes already dried. At the restaurant, while waiting for the order, Jihoon took out his phone.

"Yah. Thank you for cleaning the house yesterday," Hyunsuk said out of the blue. Jihoon looked at Hyunsuk.

"It's a small matter," Jihoon said. "How's your body?"

"Don't touch me!" Hyunsuk slapped Jihoon's hand when he tried to touch him.

"Yah! What the hell with your sudden mood swing?" Jihoon asked while rubbing the place that Hyunsuk just slapped. "Didn't we have a lovely sweet night together yesterday?"

"Don't say that!" Hyunsuk quickly covered Jihoon's mouth with his hand. Jihoon pulled Hyunsuk's hand that's covering his mouth.

"You told me not to touch you. But it's okay for you to touch me I guess?" Jihoon said in his teasing intonation. Hyunsuk quickly let go of Jihoon. "You can't get enough of me, I guess?"

"Is this how you talk to girls? No wonder you didn't have a stable relationship with anyone," Hyunsuk said.

"It's me who don't want to have a relationship. There's a lot of woman want me to be their boyfriend and there's even some who proposed me," Jihoon said proudly.

"Yeah right," Hyunsuk said.

They continued to bickering for a while before their order arrived and they started to eat.

"I'm curious. How did you pick up guys when you're this fiery around me? I just can't imagine it," Jihoon suddenly whispered.

"What make you think I've ever pick up guys?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Eh?" Jihoon looked confused. "So the 'it's my first time with guy' is not a lie?"

"You think I will lie about that?" Hyunsuk can't believe what he just heard.

"But the way you acted yesterday looked like you already did it with guys multiple times. You're a natural, I guess," Jihoon said. Hyunsuk hit Jihoon's back. "Ouch!"

"Excuse me," someone interrupted them. The two guys turned at the owner of the voice. "Choi Hyunsuk. Right?"

"Wait! You're Ryujin, right? Shin Ryujin?" Hyunsuk asked excitedly.

"Oh My God. You still remember me," Ryujin said.

"Who'll forget this beautiful face. And you look even prettier now. Is the air in London that good?" Hyunsuk asked. "I remember that you further your study there,"

"Wow. You even remember that," Ryujin said. "I was unsure to talk to you when I saw you earlier. I didn't expect that you will still remember me,"

"Of course I remember you," Hyunsuk said. "So.. How're you? I haven't get to contact you after you fly to London,"

"I'm good. I am one of the curator in an art gallery in London after I finish my study. I just back here for a month. for work," Ryujin said.

"I see. We should hang out together someday. Before you fly back to London," Hyunsuk said.

"Yes. Yes. We should," Ryujin took out a card from her bag and hand it to Hyunsuk. "This is my card. I have a meeting after this so I can't stay any longer. It's a shame that we just met now. Call me when you're free,"

"I'll try. Take care," Hyunsuk said. He waved at Ryujin who's waving at him as she walked out from that restaurant. Hyunsuk can feel that someone is looking at him.

He turned at his right sight. Yes. It's Jihoon who's staring at him.

"What?" Hyunsuk asked before continue to eat his ramen.

"Don't forgot that you've been moaning mess under me yesterday," Jihoon whispered. Hyunsuk almost chocked on his ramen.

"Yah!" Hyunsuk slapped Jihoon's arm after he drink the mineral water that the restaurant served.

"Who's that?" Jihoon asked.

"One of the girl who wanted to date me in college," Hyunsuk said. "I only go for girls, okay. I never picked up boys. Unlike you. I remember that a male Omega once confessed to you in our last year of high school. Have you done with him?"

"Yeah," Hyunsuk almost spit out the water he just drank. He was just teasing Jihoon. Hyunsuk didn't expect that Jihoon will replied to him like that.

"So... You already have an experience with guys. No wonder," Hyunsuk nodded.

"No wonder I was good yesterday?" Jihoon wiggled his eyebrows.

"No. No wonder you're that shameless last night," Hyunsuk said. "And I'll be the one who'll win this bet. I'll make you fall for me first,"

"So sudden?" Jihoon chuckled.


A/N- new chapter is here!! I'm really excited while writing this series for some reason. Hope you enjoy and have a nice day~ Teu-ba~~~

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