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A/N- Teu-ha? New chapter below.. enjoy~


"You're coming with your brother today," Dr Rosé said as soon as she entered the room. Hyunsuk already done his monthly test and check ups assisted by the nurses that specially appointed to attend him. That's what his parents did for him. They won't let the public know about Hyunsuk's rare condition or anything.

"It's more like I was forced here," Hyunsuk said. Dr Rosé smiled. She flipped the results of the tests that Hyunsuk has done.

"So, your last heat was like months ago. But a very mild that you can even go around without any problem. You surely has a stubborn gene, Choi Hyunsuk-si," Dr Rosé stated.

"I get that a lot," Hyunsuk said.

Years ago, when Hyunsuk just 14 years old, he took the secondary gender test just like how kids on his age would do. But the result was quite shocking. Not only he got an Omega as his secondary gender, but it's also a rare recessive. His secondary gender is a rare one that he has 90% Beta traits and 10% Omega traits. The doctors said that he's still an Omega since he starting to develop a womb inside his body. It's just they can't be sure if the womb inside Hyunsuk's body can function well for reproduction or not.

That's why his parents making him doing the medical check up monthly. To know about his body and to make a fast decision if anything happened. In his childhood, Hyunsuk really thought that he'll be the Alpha, just like his older brother and his father. But it turned out he's not. He's not even a perfect Omega like his dad. Knowing that fact making him felt like he's a failure.

Hyunsuk remember feeling down for few days after getting his secondary gender result. While the kids around him showing off about their secondary gender, he can't even tell anyone. Because which one is he? He's an Omega but also has 90% of Beta traits. He's abnormal.

One day, suddenly, a classmate who he never have an actually conversation with, start to talk to him. It's Park Jihoon. Stating that he's going to beat Hyunsuk in their next examination. At first, Hyunsuk just tried to ignore him. But Jihoon looked really eager to beat him in every single things they can compete on making Hyunsuk's inner competitiveness can't even stay hidden anymore.

"Is there anything bothering you, Choi Hyunsuk-si?" Dr Rosé asked, bring Hyunsuk back to the reality. Why the hell he suddenly recalling old memories?

"Oh," Hyunsuk responded. He remembered his conversation with his older brother before. "Dr. Is it possible for me to suddenly started to smelled pheromones?"

"Eh? Did you started to smell it?" Dr Rosé asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I can actually differentiate it. And the scent I've smelled was from a Beta. So far I can only smelled it from one person," Hyunsuk stated.

"You sure that person is a Beta?" Dr Rosé asked. Just like his older brother's question.

"He said that he's a Beta," Hyunsuk said. Dr Rosé looked like she's thinking for a while before she finally responded.

"There's no much change in your test result for today. For the next check up, I might will add some other tests for you to take. And about the pheromones things, it might just be their body odor or cologne that they used. But I can't give you an absolute answer for that. Please keep your eyes on any changes for now on. If you noticed any big changes on your own sense or body, please contact me right away," Dr Rosé said.

"Is it really that bad?" Hyunsuk asked.

"No. It might be a good progress," Dr Rosé said.

"Progress?" Hyunsuk asked.

"As I said. I can't give you an absolute answer. Let's just wait for the next check up, okay?" Dr Rosé told him. Hyunsuk just nodded.


Hyunsuk walked into the office. He's still thinking about the pheromones things. He saw Junkyu who just arrived there.

"Kim Junkyu. Come here," Hyunsuk called him.

"What?" Junkyu asked but still walked toward Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk moved his face closer to Junkyu's neck. "What are you doing?"

"Stay still. I'm trying to find out about something," Hyunsuk said. He tried to sniff on Junkyu's neck. But the taller can't stop moving.

"It's tickled! What are you trying to do actually?" Junkyu asked.

"You're an Alpha, right?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Yes," Junkyu said. "Wait! Are you trying to smell my pheromones? Aren't you a Beta?" 

"I'm just.. Trying to find out about something," Hyunsuk said.

"I'll release my pheromones a bit," Junkyu said. "Did you feel it?"

Hyunsuk did felt a bit shivered but he can't smelled the scent. Now he know why he felt shivered sometimes. Maybe there's Alphas releasing their pheromones around him.

Because of his rare secondary gender's disorder, he haven't smelled any pheromones. From Alphas or Omegas. Now he know that he actually can feel it when the pheromones were released around him thanks to Junkyu.

"Not really," Hyunsuk said. "What's your scent?"

"Someone told me it's like chocolate smell mixed with cinnamon roll kind of smell," Junkyu said.

"That suit you a lot," Hyunsuk said.

"Well. Thanks," Junkyu said. "And why are you trying to smell my pheromones?"

"It's just. I'm curious," Hyunsuk answered.

"Oh," Junkyu nodded.

"What are you guys doing?" Jihoon suddenly asked when he saw his two coworkers standing at the middle of the office instead being at their place like they usually did. Both of them turned at Jihoon who just arrived at the office. 

Hyunsuk walked toward Jihoon and pulled him out from their office.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Jihoon asked without even trying to escape from Hyunsuk. Because both of them knew that Jihoon can easily overpower Hyunsuk if he tried.

Hyunsuk pushed him into one of the toilet stall as soon as they entered the toilet. Hyunsuk close the door behind him and stared at Jihoon. He just want to confirm on the scent he smelled from Jihoon the other day.

"Are you wearing any cologne?" Hyunsuk asked.

"No. Why are you being weird so sudden?" Jihoon asked him back after answering his question.

Hyunsuk didn't respond to Jihoon's question. He moved closer to Jihoon's neck and tried to smelled his scent, if any. His eyes got widened as he can smell the same scent as before. 

"Did you drink coffee before you come to the company?" Hyunsuk asked.

"You know yourself that I didn't need coffee in the morning. I just drink it if I have to do overtime or stay up late," Jihoon said. 

"That's weird," Hyunsuk said. He suddenly got this weird idea and started to bite Jihoon's neck playfully.

"Yah!" Jihoon quietly shouted while pushed Hyunsuk away from him, not to hard, just enough to put a small distance between him and Hyunsuk. Hyunsuk smirk. "Are you trying to mark me or something? You know a Beta can't mark anyone, right?"

"Who care," Hyunsuk said and just left. Leaving Jihoon confused inside the bathroom stall. But then, he came back. "Oh! You can prepare your 300 dollar because I already got 5 sales already,"


A/N- somehow today, I'm treasure-deprived. Anyway, thank you for supporting. Teu-ba~~

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