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"You okay, Hyunsuk?" Junkyu asked. Hyunsuk turned at Junkyu who's standing beside him. He didn't even noticed that he stood there.

"Oh? I'm good," Hyunsuk answered. He continue to do his report. 

"I don't think so," Junkyu said. "Just look at your table. You never let it get this messy no matter how busy you are. Are you really sure you are fine?"

"Yeah. It's just it can be like that sometimes," Hyunsuk said calmly. To be honest, he just realized it after Junkyu told him about it. About the condition of his working table that was never been this messy. Ever.

"Do you need me to help you with anything?" Junkyu asked.

"No. I'm fine. Really," Hyunsuk said. "I'll just submit this and I'm done for today,"

"Okay then. If you need anything, just tell me, okay?" Junkyu asked. Hyunsuk nodded with smile on his face. Junkyu then walked back to his place. "Ah! Jihoon and Mr Mark is coming back today, right? Their business trip suddenly got extended like that. I hope they'll be fine. It's so bizarre that a simple business trip like that got extended for another week,"

True. It supposed to be just less than a week of business trip in Japan. But for some reason, they need to stay there for another a week. There must've been something happening but hopefully it's not so bad and the two who're sent there can handle it well.

Hyunsuk looked at his phone. It has been more than a week he haven't seen Jihoon. He didn't even contacted him too. He has no business with Jihoon for him to contacted Jihoon first. The same goes to Jihoon. Both of them are too busy with their own work. 

Hyunsuk wanted to say that to himself but deep down, he know that he missed Jihoon a lot. But because of his ego, he won't admit it. The messiness of his table is the same as his mind. There's too much to think that he have no time to sort it up. And it keep on piling and scattered everywhere. Hyunsuk sighed.

He didn't asked to fall for Jihoon. But he did. If he didn't started the bet back then, will he able to not falling for his rival? Will they still keep being rival who challenging each other without having weird feelings along the process? Will they be friends slash rival slash colleague without Hyunsuk worrying that he'll somehow showed his feeling toward Jihoon?

If Hyunsuk didn't fall for Jihoon, he might not missed that guy so much. He might don't have any problem to contact him first whenever. But if he didn't fall for him, Hyunsuk didn't think he'll have any reason to contact that guy. Hyunsuk ruffled his hair. He unconsciously adding more thing to think about.

Hyunsuk started to clean up his table, sorting everything he could. He can't let this silly emotion affecting his work and daily routine. After done tidying his table, Hyunsuk getting ready to go home.

"You don't need Park Jihoon, Choi Hyunsuk. You don't need to see him to keep going with your life," Hyunsuk told himself when he's waiting for the bus. 

But then, he realized that he actually needed Jihoon to keep going with his life. That Jihoon is the reason he's still able to keep going. Because of the silly announcement that Jihoon will beat Hyunsuk in everything during their middle school days, it become Hyunsuk's reason to keep going forward and to surpass himself. That he won't lose to Jihoon.

"Why the hell I ever started that bet?" Hyunsuk sighed.

He walked back home after the bus he rode stopped at the station near his neighborhood. He tried to clear his mind from thinking too much by taking a long bath. After done taking bath, suddenly he got a call. From Jihoon.

"Hello?" Hyunsuk answered the call. No sound. He just heard Jihoon's breath. "I'm ending the call if you're not going to say anything,"

"Choi Hyun," Jihoon called him. Hyunsuk just wait for him to continue without saying anything. After a few seconds, Jihoon said. "I want to see you,"

Hyunsuk felt like his heart stopped beating before thumping fast and loud right after. Both of them stay silence for a moment. Not saying anything. Only their breaths were heard on the phone.

"Where are you?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Open your door," hearing that words from Jihoon making Hyunsuk's got widened and he walked toward his door right away without thinking about anything else. He open the door. There he is. Jihoon stood there before him, holding his phone to his ear. Jihoon softly smiled as Hyunsuk opened the door. He ended the call. "Can I come in?"

Hyunsuk looked at Jihoon and the small luggage he's holding. They said that Jihoon and Mark is coming back today.

"Yeah. Sure," Hyunsuk said he moved a bit to allow Jihoon entering his apartment. He close the door after Jihoon already inside. Jihoon just stood there after he entered Hyunsuk's apartment. Hyunsuk scanned the taller guy. Somehow, that guy looked down and it did make Hyunsuk quite worried. "Did you come here right away after arrived here?"

Hyunsuk walked inside. He tried to start a normal conversation. The conversation they usually had if they're not in a competition mode.

Jihoon didn't respond to Hyunsuk's question. Hyunsuk turned at Jihoon. He really looked like he's somewhat upset or disappointed about something. And seems like he doesn't really want to talk about it.

"Have you eaten? Do you want to eat something? Should I order anything?"  Hyunsuk's steps stopped as Jihoon suddenly hugged him from his back. Burrying his face on Hyunsuk's shoulder.

"Um... Jihoon?"

"Can we stay like this for a while?" Jihoon asked.

"Oh... Eo," Hyunsuk said. Jihoon tightened the hug. Somehow, Hyunsuk felt the heavy feeling Jihoon's having right now. He patted Jihoon's arms that's wrapped him tight. It felt like Jihoon is going to cry anytime soon but Jihoon didn't want to.

Hyunsuk has an urge to turned at Jihoon and hugged him. Letting him to cry in his arm. He wanted the taller to let out the frustration and the upset feeling he had. He wanted to listen to Jihoon's concerns, worries and problems. But he's no more than just a coworker. They are not actually real friends to begin with. He's no one. They're nothing.


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