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"You can try to find it at my place. There's a pink file in one of the tray on my table. Can you find it?" Jihoon asked. Junkyu called him almost every day because Junkyu is the one who's taking over his client.

"Okay. Yes. I'm looking at it. Where did you said you put it at?" Junkyu asked.

"Did you see any tray on my table? I don't remember which tray. Try to find it there," Jihoon said.

"Hyunsuk! Mr Mark is looking for you!" Jihoon can hear Yeonjun's voice on the phone.

"Mark?" He can hear Hyunsuk's voice as well. Somehow he felt things when he heard his voice after weeks didn't see him, didn't heard his voice. He just realized that he missed that voice so much.. Wait! He missed Hyunsuk's voice?

"Park Jihoon!"

"What? Don't shout at me," Jihoon said because he quite startled when Junkyu suddenly shouted at him.

"Yah. I'm talking to you and you didn't respond," Junkyu said.

"Yah. How's Hyunsuk doing these days?" Jihoon asked.

"Why are you asking me? You didn't contacted him even once since you transfered there? Seriously?" Junkyu asked. Thinking of Hyunsuk's condition right now, it's most possibly that Jihoon still didn't know anything and Hyunsuk didn't say anything about it. Hyunsuk haven't said anything about him being pregnant or anything. But seeing how he's acting for these few weeks, Junkyu's quite sure that he's currently pregnant and the other father of his baby is Jihoon, Hyunsuk's pair, his own Alpha. "He's doing fine without you here. If you want to know more just call him by yourself,"

"He didn't even call me," Jihoon said.

"Because he didn't curious about your well-being. It's you who's curious about his," Junkyu said. "He always being with Mark these days. They might even closer that how you are with Hyunsuk. You know that we'll held a farewell party for Mark in 2 weeks right? Are you coming?"

"2 weeks? Friday isn't it?" Jihoon asked.

"Yeah," Junkyu said.

"As for today, I'm free that day. I'll go if I'm still free," Jihoon said.


"Oh. Our new branch manager looked so excited because he's going back to Seoul tomorrow," one of his subordinates, Yedam said.

"Yeah. It has been a month?" Jihoon said.

"Why? Is there anyone you wanted to meet? The one who called you almost everyday? What's his name? Junkyu?" Yedam asked.

"He called just because he took over my clients. He's just a coworker," Jihoon said.

"Then? A lover?" Yedam asked. Jihoon stopped for a second. Lover? Huh? They had a bet. And even till now, they haven't even wanting to admit who fall first. Jihoon still very sure that he's not falling for Hyunsuk. He just probably care about him a little bit more than before. Because the bet, he has been paying more attention to Hyunsuk and feel like he actually need to take care of that guy. "Wow.. You really do have one. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding, okay?"

"I don't have any," Jihoon said. "It's just I kind of missed my old friend. He's a friend who's also my rival. He's a Beta but he always manage to defeat me in anything. He's really cool," Jihoon said.

"Hearing you saying that about your friend, you must've really treasure him a lot," Yedam commented.

"I'll introduce him to you someday," Jihoon said.

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